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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 545

The amusement park was a bit of a distance from the hotel, but they were still not too far away from each other on the island.

Aside from the guards who were supposed to watch over the amusement park, even the hotel staff should have noticed something off.

Pablo said, "This is ghost ambience."

It was Blake and Lilly's first time hearing of the word, and both of them turned to look at Pablo as if he was an encyclopedia.

That was what Masters were for, apparently.

"What's ghost ambience?" The both of them asked.

Pablo-padia said, "Well, human beings have an aura, and ghosts have an ambience. An ambience would be like a ghost's aura."

Blake: I kind of get it, but not completely.

Lilly didn't get at all, blinking at her master.

Master: …

"For example. I'm sure you've seen your brother's physics books. The chapter on magnetic field, where if you hover a magnet on top of a flat layer of magnetic powder, a part of the powder forms a pattern.

"A small magnet would have a small magnetic field, and a large magnet would have a bigger magnetic field. It's like the field formed by the north and south poles of the planet— they cover the whole of it."

"This ghost lord might be young, but her 'magnetic field' is enough to cover the entire amusement park. Thus, no one outside of her field will be able to know what happened in here."

"If someone fell within this ambience and died screaming for help, no one would know or even hear."

Realization dawned upon Lilly. "Isn't that ghost blocking?"

It seemed like ghost blocking!

Pablo: …

"I guess you're not wrong to understand it like that… but normal ghost blocking can only happen when the time is right. A ghost lord's ambience appears wherever it goes."

Lilly: Got it. So it's like a more powerful ghost blocking! You made it sound so complicated, Master.

Blake nodded as well. "I understand. So it's like an army's attack range, where you won't even know how you die once you enter it. That's what ambience is."

Pablo-pedia: …

Arghhh, someone take these two know-it-alls out for a beating!

As he spoke, the roller coaster zoomed past once again.

This time, the figure of a little girl appeared on the previously empty ride.

She was holding the doll, her head turning a full 360 degrees to stare at Lilly and Blake.

Blake said in a low voice, "If her ambience covers the entire amusement park, what happened to the amusement park staff?"

They had passed by the security room when they were coming in, and it had been empty.

There were four entrances of the security guard with a security room by each one, with two guards on duty at each room.

Which was to say that there should be eight guards on duty at the park at night.

Lilly raised her hand all of a sudden, pointing somewhere. "Over there."

Blake looked over.

There were two ropes hanging from the roller coaster's tracks.

On the ropes, were two people hanging there.

In the faint light, the two figures swayed in the wind. Their arms limp, their heads bowed…

"Let's go!" Lilly rushed to them. "They're not dead yet!"

Uncle Anthony had just built this theme park. There was no way someone was going to die!

Blake headed towards the control room at once. "I'm going to control the other roller coaster to stop at the top. You go and let them down!"

Lilly ran forward, before turning to look at her father. "Dad, are you sure?"

She glanced at the pitch-black control room.

Blake: …

He had been sure at first.

But after Lilly's question…

The image of him controlling the roller coaster, and a doll appearing behind him out of nowhere floated into his head.

"Lilly… get me an amulet or two." Blake said the words calmly, devoid of embarrassment.


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