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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 62

When Ivan saw Lilly staring at him with large shining eyes, he immediately stiffened his spine and straightened up, pursing his lips slightly. "What now?"

Lilly counted busily on her fingers before exclaiming, "Wow! Ivan, this is the most number of words you've ever spoken! That's so cool!" All along, she had been under the impression that he could only speak five words at a time!

Ivan just stared at her, lost for words. He thought she would compliment him for knowing so much…

Jonas smiled faintly, then shifted to a more comfortable position and propped his chin against his palm, watching the two little rascals. Children were children, after all, and they came up with the oddest observations.


Once the ribbon-cutting ceremony finished, Lilly fell asleep because she had eaten too much.

While Jonas carried her carefully, Anthony came over and took off his dress jacket, draping it over her sleeping form. The two men slipped past the barrage of cameras everywhere on the red carpet, carefully shielding their precious little burden. Bidding Colton goodnight, they made their way to their car and departed.

Ivan stood at the entrance, quietly watching as the two Crawford brothers drove off.

"Let's go, son!" Colton told him.

Ivan sighed and took a last look at the car vanishing in the distance. If he met Lilly again, he would give her two sweets. Two, because she liked eating them, and not three because he was afraid she might get cavities…

A short, chubby middle-aged man stood beside the Shaws' car. With a smile, he bid Colton goodnight. This gentleman was very short, standing only around five feet four or so. The buttons of his dress jacket strained against his rotund beer belly; they looked as if they would pop off any moment.

This was Valentine Taylor, the CEO of Taylor Entertainment.

Valentine's mother had given birth to two sets of twins, all boys. During her third pregnancy, she had hoped for a daughter and had named the child in her womb "Valentine" for luck.

However, the baby turned out to be a boy instead.

Mrs. Taylor had been so disappointed that she had not bothered to think of another name, so "Valentine" had stuck.

After sending off the Shaws and the Crawfords, the tension in Valentine's shoulders eased considerably. "That little Crawford brat…" Something enigmatic flickered in his eyes for a moment. "She really is a little devil!"

His mother had fallen ill with some bizarre sickness, and Valentine had heard the story of how Lilly had literally brought young Ivan Shaw back from the dead. Furthermore, everyone present had witnessed the auspicious light that had shone down on the ceremony earlier.

Valentine wondered if he would have a chance to invite the little Crawford devil to take a look at his mother…

As he went back inside, he gave orders to his assistant. "Bear in mind, from now on, Little Miss Crawford doesn't need an invitation to show up, and she doesn't need to call beforehand, either. Whenever she visits, get the best pastry chef in Shercaster City to come over immediately and bake a cake for her on the spot. Just remember that the Little Miss can't have anything too sweet, and she doesn't like chocolate, but she loves cakes that have lots of fruits in them. She also loves fruit candies and sweets. Note all this down in the employees' handbook."

Valentine's assistant stared at him blankly in confusion. Why would something like this need to be noted down in the employees' handbook?


Lilly was still half-asleep and dreaming when she sensed she was being stared at. She turned and squinted, then realized that an old woman was standing in front of her. This old lady was dressed in what seemed to be a green vintage dress, and her gaze was fixed intently on Lilly.

Lilly was so startled that she woke up immediately. Her eyes sprang open.

It gave Pablo a shock, and he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Lilly's sleep-filled eyes were still fearful. "Master, I saw an old granny in my dream."

Pablo was startled. "What did she look like?"

Lilly gestured as she described the old lady. "Her eyes were all sunken in and hollow; her cheeks too. Her eyes were purpley-blue right under here…"

"Have you seen her before?" Pablo asked.

Lilly shook her head. "Nuh-uh."

Pablo narrowed his eyes and thought hard. A woman with sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, and livor mortis under her eyes, who looked like she was dead…


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