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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 860

Pablo did not put Lilly down and explained, "There are ashes underneath, and it's dirty."

As a ghost in the underworld, Pablo's feet still needed to touch the ground, but the layer of ashes was so thick that it took a considerable amount of energy for him to lightly step on it while maintaining his consciousness.

He chose not to float to conserve energy, even if it was just a little bit.

"If I put you down, the ashes will bury you up to your waist." Pablo hugged Lilly tightly, shifted her to his right arm, and added, "Lilly, you must stay focused and not be consumed by any obsessions."

It was his obsession with getting Lilly out of the abyss that caused him to fall into that state earlier.

In the abyss, any obsession would be magnified.

Lilly nodded, understanding the importance of her master's words.

"Master, do you think that if Ivan fell, would he have to walk through the ashes too?"

Pablo was taken aback but nodded, saying, "Yes, that's a possibility. Why do you ask?"

Lilly's face lit up with excitement. "Then can we find him by following the traces Ivan left behind?"

Pablo pondered for a moment. "In theory, it's possible. However, when I saw him three months ago, he had already lost his soul."

Given the amount of time that has passed, it's uncertain if Ivan is still in the vicinity.

"Furthermore, the area is shrouded in an eerie fog, making it difficult to see our surroundings."

The eerie fog acted like smog, limiting visibility to just three hundred feet. It would be challenging to find Ivan through his tracks alone.

But Lilly declared confidently, "Leave it to me!"

To her, these eerie fogs were a treasure!

She could not let them go to waste!

Lilly's first thought was to capture the mist in the jar of souls, but after trying, she found that the gourd did not seem to have an appetite for it.

Then she immediately thought of the Palace of the Ruler of Hell...

What about the Palace of the Ruler of Hell?

She descended from the King of Hades' Palace initially. Where was she headed now?

The palace was sad...

Lilly finally remembered me!

When Lilly thought about it, she instinctively knew where the Palace of the Ruler of Hell was.

This time, it was unlike her first descent.

Now she could feel where the palace was.

"Master, it's this way! Not that!"


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