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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 920

Pablo's spirit was torched over, and over again. He wanted to return to his household again and again, even if he knew he would never be able to see his family again or bury them.

But what else could he do, aside from that?

He turned and saw Uriah leaving. Pablo howled, "Uriah Phillips… come back, come back!"

Come back and at least bury his parents' bodies… come back and give his siblings a place to rest…

He was begging Uriah now, he was really begging…

Pablo collapsed to the ground, the tears drying on his face.

The man once young, handsome and powerful, was lying on the ground like a lost mutt screaming and crying as he begged.

Uriah had long since left, leaving the Belmont household to burn with the Spirithold Pillars firmly in the ground.

The pillars were placed within ten miles of the Belmont household, making sure to keep all spirits down. The fire raged on for three days and three nights straight, only dying down slowly when everything had been burned to ash.

Another fire, however, burned for ten years under the pressure of the Spirithold Pillar.

Pablo burned in this fire for ten years. He repeated the torturous memory over and over again, from the moment he saw his sister's head roll to the end of the Belmont household fire ended. Before he could recover from the fire, he would repeat the memory of his family being killed again.

This went on day after day, until he finally became a malignant spirit. The Belmont household was nothing like it used to be when everything finally quietened down. It was streaked with burnt marks, weeds growing in abundance. His family's ashes had long since become nutrients for the soil.

He was finally going to be able to leave… and this time, the Spirithold Pillar wasn't going to stop him.

The Phillips quarters were brightly-lit, celebrating the birth of Uriah's ninth child. Everyone was all smiles.

Uriah himself was no longer the young man he used to be ten years ago. He sat at the head of the table, while his father— Pablo's mentor, sat beside him, beaming at his big family.

Just then, a guard rushed in and said lowly to Uriah, "Bad news, Sir…"

Uriah's smile faded slightly. He exited the living room, frowning. "What happened?"

The guard said, "Sir, the Spirithold Pillars cracked…"

Uriah's expression shifted at once.

He hurried over to check on the place with the guard, and saw that the pillars had really cracked open.

Eighty-one pillars cracked into pieces, not one of them intact!

The pillars themselves had no support whatsoever when they were dug out of the ground, thoroughly broken.

"Sir… I think the pillars cracked open from the weather in the past decade. There was that drought that might have dried them out, then the rain might have done something as well…"

There had been a drought that overtook the kingdom not long ago, resulting in all the cities suffering for a good while.

Uriah, being head minister, had taken over Pablo's minister quarters. He even set up an altar of his own, to pray for rain.

The minister quarters were not too far from the palace. They were not quite considered royal property, but were extremely important.


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