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Are You My Mate? novel Chapter 1

My name is Denai Bendali  (Den- ay) and I am from the Westward Pack. Yes I've been called 'deny' by a few wolves mispronouncing my name. Who knows if by mistake or on purpose, but it never bothers me, I just correct them and keep talking.

I have long dark, kinky curly hair that comes to the middle of my back and longer when straightened. My skin is dark brown and my eyes are olive green. (I know what a combination) My eye color is the only thing that I got from my dad besides my rank as Gamma.

At 5'5 I am the perfect forehead kissing height. At least that's what my crush told me. (It was so long ago that he probably doesn't even remember) He's never physically kissed me there, but in my dreams he has. I guess dreams don't count, because if they did we'd be mates by now and also with a litter of pups. 

My father died a few years ago, but my mother died when I was just a baby so I live alone. I have no memories of her because it was so long ago. I only have pictures but the older members of the pack tell me that I look just like her.

I have so many memories of my father, he was amazing. (Simply perfect) Even now that he's gone, I still get gifts from him at our door for my birthday. It's usually flowers and a card of beautiful encouraging words, but last year I got a dress and one other year a necklace. (I miss him so much)


Everyday I pray so hard to the Moon Goddess that my mate will be the kind of wolf my father was. It was hard on me at first, but I got so much support from most of the pack, that I felt guilty for moping around.

I just started holding it in, until I got home to cry my eyes out in peace. (I still cry, but not as much and not as often) I have learned to remember the good times and they always bring a smile to my face.   

I don't really talk to a lot of people these days, because I work a lot and I've started working even more since my dad is gone. I love my pack, but they don't compare to him and there is no way that I could just forget him, so I needed something to take my mind off of him.

We all pretty much get along here, because our Alpha is serious when it come to bullying. We do have some cases, but it isn't as bad as other packs and it's immediately stopped. If not there are consequences, because here we are not judged by rank. You must prove yourself, in order to hold a position.

Our pack warriors are among some of the biggest and toughest in the states, even though, we aren't the largest. Mostly everyone is expected to stay in form, that is, unless you are the Luna.

 My dad never had me to do rigorous workouts, but he did have me take private fighting lessons up until he died. No one knew about the lessons because they were in our back yard. (I guess he didn't want me to get hurt, because I'm not the biggest wolf in the pack... at least I don't think I am)

I never asked my dad if they were meant to be secret, but I never told anyone anyways because I was too busy living life and I'm not sure if he did. I doubt that I would ever have to use any of the stuff that I was taught anyways. Although, I have been thinking about training again. I just don't know when, so for now all I do is run laps at the training grounds. 

The thought of training definitely doesn't have me motivated. I would also need someone to tell me what exercises to do. (But on the upside I always get to see Dean and his beautiful smile) Just seeing his curly red hair and bright brown eyes bring a smile to my face.


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