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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 168

"Three million six hundred thousand dollars!"

"Three million six hundred and fifty thousand dollars!"

"Four million dollars!"


After several rounds of bidding, the man in the No. 21 seat raised the bid to four million dollars.

The other guests who had considered competing shook their heads and no longer placed bids.

The man in the twenty-first seat grinned and put his arm around the waist of the beautiful woman beside him.

"Four million dollars once!"

"Four million dollars twice!"

"Four million dollars three times, sold! Congratulations to our distinguished guest in seat number twenty-one for winning the Victoria blue and white dragon pattern gallbladder vase for four million dollars!"

As the female hostess struck the gavel, the first item was successfully auctioned.

The winning bidder for the Victoria blue and white dragon pattern gallbladder vase was guest No. 21, a CEO of a listed company named Ben Stark, and an ardent collector of antiques.

Now the item found its master!

Next, a female crew member rolled out the second item, the white gown worn by Marilyn Monroe!

The female host began introducing the item: "This white gown used to be worn by Marilyn Monroe, and it's the one she wore in that world-famous 'subway grate' photograph. It's highly collectible, with a starting bid of one million dollars. Interested parties, please raise your paddles to bid!"

Clearly, there weren't many takers for this item.

For a long time, no one raised their paddles.

Just then, a guest in seat No. 27, who sported a goatee, raised his paddle and said, "One million two hundred thousand dollars!"

After that, no one else bid.

After three inquiries by the female host, the gavel was struck!

And so, the second item was successfully auctioned, with the winning bidder being guest No. 27, the stock market guru, Silas Everest!

The auction continued!

A female crew member rolled out the third item, a scroll made of sheepskin, containing the secret martial art techniques of "Death's Forbidden Hand" from the T Country!

The female host introduced it, saying, "Next up is a treat for martial arts enthusiasts. This sheepskin scroll contains the secret martial art techniques of 'Death's Hand' from the mysterious T Country. It's rumored that mastering the ten forbidden techniques in this scroll will make you the top martial artist in T Country. Starting at eight hundred thousand dollars, martial arts enthusiasts, please raise your paddles to bid!"

Although the starting price was low, people immediately raised their bid.

"One million dollars!"

The first bidder was a guest in seat sixteen, a heavily bearded man who bore a striking resemblance to Harden!

"One million one hundred thousand dollars!"

The second bidder was a guest in seat No. 26, an elderly man in traditional robes!

After that, the two of them went back and forth, raising the price to two million eight hundred thousand dollars!

In the midst of it, Alonzo shouted just for the fun of it!

But it was purely for show, and he didn't bid further!

"Three million five hundred thousand dollars!"

The heavily bearded man made another move, adding seven hundred thousand dollars, and the price soared to three million five hundred thousand dollars!

The elderly man in seat No. 26 was furious, but he found it difficult to bid again.

The price had exceeded his expectations, and who knew if the martial arts techniques on the sheepskin scroll would be suitable for someone from Dragon Kingdom?

Seeing the elderly man hesitate, the female host added fuel to the fire with a flirtatious tone, saying, "Distinguished guest No. 26, are you going to raise your bid? You look like a martial arts expert. If you don't bid now, you might miss out on this ancient martial arts secret!"

Provoked by the female host, the elderly man in traditional robes raised his paddle and shouted, "Three million five hundred and fifty thousand dollars!"

That was his limit, and after shouting, he stared at the heavily bearded man, hoping that he wouldn't raise the bid any further.

But the bearded man grinned and said, "Three million six hundred thousand dollars!"

"Damn it!"

Seeing this, the elderly man couldn't take it anymore and give up bidding.

After three confirmations by the female host, the gavel finally fell.


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