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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 188

Chapter 188 Patriotism

Several hours later, the massive Black Pearl sank.

Only the bow remained on the surface of the water.

Just like its predecessor, the Titanic, this behemoth was laid to rest in the depths of the sea.

Several patrol ships in the vicinity of the Black Pearl's sinking site began rescuing the passengers.

News of this pirate hijacking incident spread worldwide simultaneously.

And all the reports ended the same way.

"In the end, the Black Pearl sank, but 95% of the passengers on board were saved, averting a tragedy like the Titanic!"

News about the Black Pearl dominated the trending topics for an entire day.

In Silverwood, Zoe sat on her sickbed and watched the news on television.


She murmured, her heart pounding with anxiety.

20 nautical miles northwest of the Black Pearl's sinking site, a white bathtub floated on the surface of the sea. It rose and fell with the waves.

"Argh, I'm really unlucky!"

Sitting in the bathtub, Gabriel felt frustrated.

He was injured in multiple places, and in his arms, Cynthia lay unconscious.

Having failed to find the Ice Ganoderma, he felt despondent. His emotions had controlled him and made him disregard life and death. He had surrendered himself to fate.

But the meeting with Cynthia caused him to change his mind.

Or perhaps, it was because of Cynthia that he recalled Mia's words.

"There is no ailment that cannot be cured. The greatest fear is giving up. As long as you don't give up, a miracle might happen in the next moment."

It was true. Zoe still had time.

Although he lost the Ice Ganoderma, it was not yet the time to give up.

Perhaps there were other Ice Ganoderma out there, or maybe he would find another way to treat Zoe's heart disease.

In any case, he shouldn't wallow in self-pity.

He needed to stay alive so that Zoe could have hope.

With this determination, he unleashed his strongest power and managed to survive against all odds.

Even though he was covered in wounds, he survived.

But fate was too harsh. Bombarded by the explosion, he nearly passed out.

Fortunately, his willpower prevailed, and he held on.

He even managed to rescue the unconscious Cynthia from the seawater.

After floating in the sea for a long time, he finally clung to the bathtub.

It seemed like it had fallen from the cruise ship.

The bathtub was inconspicuous, but it saved his and Cynthia's lives.

Although it was cramped, at least they didn't have to soak in the seawater.

The only downside was that sitting in the bathtub meant they couldn't control the direction. They had to go with the flow.

They drifted further and further away, not knowing where they were now.

The vast ocean stretched endlessly before them.

If luck wasn't on their side, they might drift to their death.

If luck was on their side, perhaps they would be rescued by search and rescue teams or drift to an island.

It all depended on fate.

"I've held on for too long. It's time to take a rest."

He sighed and rested his head on the edge of the bathtub.

With the rocking of the bathtub, he fell into a deep slumber.

Ever since he opened the second gate of the Eight Gates of Blocked Memories, he had restored his medical skills and understood some of the reasons for his amnesia.


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