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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 239

Following Gabriel's guidance, Vicky promptly arranged a meeting with a trusted old associate later that night.

According to Vicky, this individual was remarkably reliable and unwaveringly loyal to her.

Consequently, Gabriel agreed to the rendezvous.

After all, they needed a breakthrough to alter their current predicament.

As they exited the hotel and were about to flag down a taxi, Gabriel's senses tingled, alerting him to a pursuing presence.

With swift precision, he outmaneuvered, incapacitated, and discretely disposed of the pursuers.

It was evident that Crow's henchmen were back at it.

Maintaining the utmost secrecy was vital for this meeting, and they couldn't risk Crow finding out.

After careful consideration, Gabriel decided to forgo the taxi and activated his car-jacking mode.

In a matter of moments, he had commandeered an Audi and silently drove to a restaurant situated near Resurrection Park. This restaurant served as their discreet meeting spot.

Upon entering the private room on the restaurant's third floor, Gabriel finally came face to face with the individual he had been anticipating.

Orion Wolfe, also known as Happy Brother.

He was one of the top-tier leaders from the Gumoldur City branch of the Ghostly Purgatory Hall, overseeing a team of forty to fifty subordinates and managing three of the hall's businesses.

"Miss Barnes, you've finally graced us with your presence, ha-ha!" Orion, with his rotund stature, couldn't contain his excitement.

When he saw Vicky, he sprang to his feet, letting out a hearty laugh.

Vicky welcomed him with an enchanting smile and proceeded to introduce Gabriel. "Mr. Gabriel, allow me to introduce one of my most loyal associates, Orion, known as Happy Brother. I can vouch for his unwavering loyalty to me."

"Mr. Gabriel, is it? Pleasure to make your acquaintance, ha-ha!" Orion's warm handshake was accompanied by his jovial laughter as he welcomed Gabriel and Vicky to their seats.

Before entering the private room, Gabriel had discreetly surveyed the surroundings, both inside and out. He estimated at least a dozen bodyguards present.

Orion's cautious approach was unmistakable.

However, the incessant tremors of laughter emanating from Orion's fleshiness were perplexing.

He looked as though he had partaken in a feast of peculiar laughter-inducing delicacies.

It was challenging to discern any remarkable abilities from his appearance.

If this individual was regarded as an insider, Gabriel couldn't help but question Vicky' judgment.

Once they were seated, Gabriel squinted thoughtfully and declared, "Since Miss Vicky places her trust in you, I'm willing to do the same. I'm a straightforward person, and the reason for our meeting with Happy Brother is quite simple: I need reliable information from him, which will offer me an opportunity to eliminate Crow."

"After Crow's demise, Miss Vicky, with your capabilities, will undoubtedly regain control of the clan."

Regardless of any reservations he held, this introduction had been arranged by Vicky, and he had no other alternatives in these unfamiliar surroundings.

Orion chuckled heartily and commended Gabriel, "Mr. Gabriel, you're a true force to be reckoned with. Only someone like you would speak so candidly about taking down Crow."

"I've heard about it from Miss Vicky and some friends in the underground. Your combat prowess is undoubtedly top-tier. In that case, I have some good news to share."

"If Mr. Gabriel desires to know Crow's whereabouts, I've been monitoring him closely. Tomorrow is Friday, and every Friday night, Crow frequents the underground boxing arena of Winner Takes All."

"For the past several months, there have been hardly any breaks, and during these visits, Crow often partakes in a few matches."


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