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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 242

As soon as Kevin left the room, Matilda took a drag from her cigarette, her sultry eyes locked onto Gabriel.

She observed him closely, a faint dimple forming on her cheek, and she playfully commented, "In the realm of the ordinary, folks wouldn't dare challenge someone like Crow. Mr. Eunuch, you're truly remarkable!"

Gabriel's unique charisma, unwavering self-confidence, and his unconventional approach made her sure that he was far from your average Joe.

In fact, she had a strong hunch that there was more to Gabriel than met the eye, hidden layers beneath the surface.

She was genuinely curious to see how Gabriel would perform tonight.

"Just from the name, it's clear that I'm not your typical guy," Gabriel chuckled. "Back when I worked in a graveyard, the sound of crows used to give me the creeps. Especially at night, their 'caws' were enough to make your skin crawl!"

"So, besides my graveyard job, I had another unusual gig-I was a crow hunter!"

"Whenever I saw a crow, I just wanted to take them down! So, when I saw a guy named Crow, it was like he was calling me out!"

Matilda found Gabriel's banter rather entertaining. His character and his creative reason for challenging Crow were quite grandiose.

Before long, Kevin returned to the glass room, a smile on his face as he announced, "It's all set, Eunuch. I've got everything arranged. You'll be facing off against Crow in the headline bout!"

Surprisingly, the higher-ups gave the green light for Gabriel to go head-to-head with Crow.

"The headline bout?" Gabriel beamed. "Thanks, Mr. Landwell. I promise I'll take Crow down, so you won't have to deal with this boxing heavyweight again!"

It was a perfect opportunity. Challenging Crow in the ring simplified his assassination mission.

Hearing Gabriel's confident words, Kevin's expression revealed a mix of awkwardness and frustration. He composed himself and said, "You must be joking, Eunuch. If Crow gets knocked out, the Ghostly Purgatory Hall will tear our club apart!"

He felt a deep sense of frustration; how could someone be so clueless? He couldn't fathom the rationale behind the approval of this match by the higher-ups.

"Miss Wallick, the match is about to start, so I won't keep you any longer," Kevin said with a courteous smile.

Matilda nodded gracefully, and Kevin and his entourage exited.

In no time, the music in the arena came to a halt, and the lights illuminated the arena.

A man in a sharp suit with curly hair and triangular glasses stepped into the center of the ring, holding a microphone.

Matilda gestured, and one of her subordinates opened a small vent in the glass, allowing the sound to come through.

The curly-haired man was the master of ceremonies, riling up the crowd and encouraging them to place their bets.

And it worked remarkably well; many high rollers were enticed to make substantial wagers.

Bets for a single match could easily reach several million dollars or even more.

"Finally, our main event, the moment we've all been waiting for. Crow is going head-to-head against a fresh fighter from the Southern Heaven Association, a fighter who goes by the name 'Three Seconds'!"

The instant the MC finished his announcement, the arena's crowd went wild with their bets.

They didn't care who Three Seconds was; their money was on Crow.

When it came to Crow's fights, it was practically a money giveaway, and Crow was a guaranteed winner!

Anyone daring to beat Crow was pretty much signing their own death warrant!

Three Seconds?

He'd likely be knocked out in, well, three seconds!

Gabriel found the whole situation irritating.

These people underestimated him as Three Seconds.

Suppressing his frustration, he asked Matilda, "Miss Wallick, everyone seems to think that Crow's victory is a sure thing, an easy way to make money. Doesn't that mean the club is heading for massive losses?"

When a match was seen as an absolute win, everyone would rush to place their bets. That meant when it came time to pay out, the club would be in hot water. A club was meant to rake in profits, not suffer losses.

Matilda rolled her eyes.


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