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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 249

Chapter 249 An Unexpected Hurt

Vicky's face trembled and turned livid.

Tonight was the biggest shame of her life.

She thought everything was well planned and got ready to lure Gabriel to Gumoldur City and kill him.

Now, she found that from beginning to end, she was fooled by Gabriel.

Especially tonight, Vicky felt herself an idiot.

She had defeated so many intrepid and ambitious persons in Gumodur City over the past decade and kept her clan head position of Ghostly Purgatory Hall in Gumodur City.

From the councilor in Gumoldur City to the clan's members, everyone was obedient to her.

That was due to her seduction and wisdom.

But the smart Vicky didn't even see through Gabriel's trick of aiming at a pigeon and shooting at a crow.

If Gabriel really escaped from East Gate No.2, would he still shout it out?

Anger made her stupid.

Although she ordered her men to chase after Gabriel, Vicky knew that they could not catch him at all.

With Gabriel's skill, once he escaped, he could do whatever he wanted.

Her followers couldn't hurt him.

Vicky raised her head, glared at Matilda, and cursed, "Bitch, have you enjoyed the drama?"

Matilda witnessed the whole process.

This made Vicky angrier.

"You are a joke!" Matilda said coldly, "It's ridiculous that the whole Ghostly Purgatory Hall was fooled by Gabriel. If I were you, I'd kill myself."

"Hum!" Vicky snorted, "Stop teasing me. Didn't you rush to the dead end like an idiot?"

Matilda was speechless.

Indeed, she had been silly.

It was her biggest mistake to pin her hope of survival on a stranger.

Choking Matilda, Vicky's eyes turned gloomy, "Although I couldn't kill Gabriel tonight, I can catch you who can't run away. Now I'll kill you to vent my anger. Kill her."

There were two purposes of today's plan.

To kill Gabriel and Matilda.

Gabriel was a big fish, and Matilda was a tiny one to be dealt with casually.

Now the main goal had been lost, but the tiny one was left.

In this way, Vicky could save her face.

Receiving the order, dozens of members of Ghostly Purgatory Hall with guns rushed to Matilda and her men.

"Protect Miss Matilda!"

Hugo and the other three stood in front of Matilda.

Matilda made a fierce look, and the fingers of her right hand shook.

She whispered, "No need to protect me. We fight against them to death. One more being killed, one more being earned."

Matilda was not a delicate lady.

A few months ago, he had been a powerhouse at Physique Level.

There was no hope of escape, but she would definitely kill several members of Ghostly Purgatory Hall before death.

The enemy with guns had rushed forward.

They raised their guns and prepared to shoot.


At this moment, the iron gate of East Gate No.2 suddenly opened.

The harsh voice made Matilda tremble.

"Miss Wallick, I'm coming!"

Gabriel came in half, grabbed Matilda's arm, and pulled her out.


After a random shot, only the followers were injured.

Matilda and Gabriel escaped unscathed.

Both the big shot and the tiny one ran away.

Seeing the scene, Vicky collapsed.

"Ah. Chase them. Kill them."

She growled wildly over and over.

The squealing voice scared the Ghostly Purgatory Hall's men.

They had never seen Vicky's collapse.

At the outside of East Gate No.2.


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