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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 251

Chapter 251 Justice 

Gabriel leaned on the sofa, smoking a cigarette. 

After treating his wounds, he felt much more comfortable. 

The policewoman's technique was a bit clumsy, but she managed to sew up the wound. 

Gabriel used the miraculous Sun Mystical Needle to reduce the pain, allowing him to endure the torment of the policewoman stitching him up. 

He asked loudly, "Ma'am, what's your name? How should I address you?" 

The policewoman poured out the blood and disposed of the trash. 

Then she hurriedly walked out of the bathroom. "My name is Priscilla Weber. You can call me Miss Weber!" 

Normally, she wouldn't tell a stranger her name. 

At most, she would tell them her last name is Weber. 

But for some reason, she instinctively didn't put up her guard against Gabriel. 

She had seen how much pain he endured while she was stitching him up, yet he didn't make a sound or flinch. 

This greatly impressed her and was also the reason why she trusted him! 

"My name is Gabriel Edwards. Thank you, Miss Weber, for taking me in tonight. Otherwise, those killers outside would have shot me to death!" 

Of course, Gabriel was just joking. 

If he hadn't hidden here, those killers wouldn't have been able to kill him, either. 

But his situation would have been relatively dangerous with more variables. 

It was great to stay here, having his wounds treated and comfortably lying on the sofa. 

Even if those gunmen searched the neighborhood all night, they wouldn't find him. 

"Why did Kevin's men want to kill you?" 

Priscilla sat on a stool and asked. 

After thinking for a moment, Gabriel replied, "The reason why they want to kill me is quite complicated. It's not just Kevin who wants to kill me. To be precise, someone took advantage of Kevin's place to kill me!" 

"Well... It's also possible that Kevin is one of them!" 

Kevin was from Winner Takes All, and his relationship with the Ghostly Purgatory Hall couldn't be explained for now. 

He always felt that Kevin was also Vicky's subordinate. 

Priscilla didn't completely understand what Gabriel meant and said, "I'm a police officer. You can tell me what happened to you in detail. As long as you're a victim, I can definitely help you!" 

"You have to trust me, trust the police station, trust the law, and trust the justice of this country!" 

"Well..." Gabriel was a bit at a loss for words. 

If someone else said these things, he would definitely spit on them. 

They were all empty words, full of cliches that had no substance and were nothing more than slogans. 

But when Priscilla said it, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. 

Because Priscilla said it very seriously. It was not like a high-ranking official's speech but had genuine sincerity. 

He felt helpless about this. 

It could only mean that this girl was very naive. 

After thinking for a moment, he said to Priscilla, "I can tell you with certainty that Kevin and the forces behind him are very powerful, far from being as simple as you think!" 

"You might really not be able to help me!" 

Priscilla's expression suddenly became serious. 

Her eyes became vacant, and her hands clenched into fists. 

"Did I say something wrong?" 

Gabriel was puzzled by Priscilla's behavior. 

He didn't know which sentence had stimulated her. 

Just then, Priscilla suddenly said firmly, "I believe in justice, and I also believe that I can use the mission of a police officer and the weapon of the law to defeat Kevin's evil forces!" 


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