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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 267

When Gabriel left the hospital, it was already past 1 p.m.

Summer was in full swing, and the heat was on.

Plenty of pretty girls strolled around town, dressed lightly, exuding an air of vivacity.

Having a busy morning, Gabriel decided to grab a bite to eat.

Unfortunately, there were only a few dining options around Hexa Courtyard, and the one he inquired about was excessively expensive.

So, he toughed it out under the scorching sun and walked two blocks.

As he ambled along, he couldn't help but notice the twenty-six beautiful women who met his gaze, with nine of them donning sexy black stockings.

The pleasure to the eye brought a refreshing to his body in the summer heat.

Gabriel realized that even in such sweltering conditions, he could continue going for quite a distance.

If he hadn't noticed a local specialty, cold noodles, and beef burgers at the entrance of the plaza, he could have strolled all the way from Hexa Courtyard to Puriston River.

"That's not authentic!"

After finishing his meal, Gabriel couldn't help but grimace. The food was far too salty.

Curious enough, specialties have to be enjoyed locally to have a unique taste. And when the setting alters, the charm quickly fades.

He should have stayed at the hospital and been treated as a VIP guest by Matilda after performing a successful surgery on Jason.

However, he chose to leave instead, chiefly because he had noticed Matilda was utterly exhausted and needed some rest.

If he were at the hospital, Matilda certainly would busy herself taking care of him.

The real fun, he thought, would be to show up at Matilda's villa later in the evening.

Standing in the square, aimlessly surveying his surroundings, Gabriel suddenly witnessed a heartwarming scene.

Two sanitation workers were taking a break in the corner of the square. A female server from a bubble tea shop approached them, offering two iced drinks free of charge.

The girl was quite attractive, though a bit petite.

Her smile was endearing, and her eyes had a pure, genuine quality.

Gabriel felt that the girl's face seemed somewhat familiar.

The sanitation workers, upon receiving the drinks, appeared both hesitant and deeply touched by the girl's gesture of respect.

This heartwarming scene moved Gabriel, and he involuntarily began to walk towards the Sweetsnow Bubble Tea shop.

As he approached the shop, the female server politely inquired, "Hello, may I take your order?"

Gabriel pointed at the drinks the sanitation workers were enjoying and said with a smile, "I'd like to order the same as them, one for me."

"That's our Iced Fresh Lemonade. Would you like one?"


Gabriel nodded and checked the price list. One Iced Fresh Lemonade cost only one dollar, which was far from being expensive.

But still, the girl's care and thoughtfulness for the strangers deserved credit.

He also noticed that her eyes were similar to Priscilla's, like a starry sky, though this girl's eyes seemed to hold even more optimism and hope.

"Mr., your order is ready. Would you like it to go?"

A few minutes later, the girl skillfully prepared a glass of Iced Fresh Lemonade.

"No need," Gabriel said. "I'd like to have it right here."


The girl handed Gabriel a straw along with the drink. Gabriel smiled slightly and left fifteen dollars on the counter before turning to leave.

"Thank you for coming!" the girl said.

As he walked away, the girl picked up the money and, with a curious look, realized that he had given her an extra ten dollars.

"Sir, you've given an extra ten dollars!"

She hurriedly rushed out of the store, assuming that he had misread the price.

But strangely, it was as if he had vanished into thin air in the blink of an eye. When she looked around, she saw only the two sanitation workers, wearing warm smiles on their faces.

In that moment, she seemed to understand what had transpired.

Holding the fifteen dollars in her hand, a pure and innocent smile spread across her face.

Gabriel savored his Iced Fresh Lemonade. The summer heat made this icy drink incredibly refreshing.


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