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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 38

Exiting Mia's office, Gabriel, who was feeling rather uncomfortable, declared he needed to use the restroom.

It took him a good half-hour before he emerged.

Emerging from the restroom, he felt reinvigorated and fresh, as if he had just chugged an energy drink.

"After a simple bathroom break, why do you look like you've had an energy drink?" Ava quipped, noting Gabriel's change of expression.

Gabriel gave an awkward smile, stretched lazily, and said, "Let's go, have barbecue for lunch, and grill some garlic and oysters!"

Ava raised an eyebrow and said, "Ew, you're so gross!"

No sooner had Ava finished these words than her face flushed red, and she finally grasped the implications of his remarks.

With a look of disdain, she put some distance between herself and Gabriel.

As a result, their barbecue plan went down the drain!

Instead, they had hot pot at Ava's strong insistence.

After filling their bellies, they ascended to the mall's rooftop like other young couples.

They bought two movie tickets.

The movie of choice was the currently popular "Goodbye, My Ex-girlfriend!"

It oddly fit the occasion.

They also got some popcorn and soda and settled into the back row.

As they watched the film and the plot thickened, the atmosphere became increasingly sad, especially at the movie's conclusion when two people in love couldn't be together.

They had to make the painful choice to part ways and accept someone they didn't love.

At that moment, Taylor Swift's "Back to December" played.

The emotions of everyone in the theater reached a breaking point, especially Ava, who leaned on Gabriel's shoulder, crying her heart out.

Her tears flowed like a waterfall, soaking Gabriel's clothes.

However, Gabriel remained unmoved.

He allowed Ava to release her emotions freely.

He knew in just a few hours, they would too be parting ways!

After the movie, Ava's eyes turned red, and her spirits were low.

The dimples that would occasionally appeare on her cheeks were now concealed by her somber expression.

"Let's go, our final destination. I'll treat you to a fancy, upscale dinner!" Gabriel reached out and took Ava's hand, taking the initiative for the first time in seven days.

It was the first time in seven days that Gabriel had held Ava's hand.

In that moment, Ava looked up at Gabriel.

Her palm felt warm, and she held Gabriel's hand tightly.

Then, her long-lost smile reappeared.

Her melancholy wasn't due to the movie.

It was because she knew that today, she and Gabriel would be parting ways.

That was the real reason why she was devastated just now.

A while later, they came to the revolving restaurant at the TV tower-Silverwood's most upscale and romantic French eatery.

The two of them sat by the window, enjoying a panoramic view of nearly half of Silverwood.

On the table was a luxurious French meal.

In an unprecedented move, Gabriel ordered two expensive glasses of red wine.

The hotel had thoughtfully arranged a live violin performance.

The atmosphere was charged with romance, and everything was delightful.

Midway through their meal, Ava was suddenly overcome by a sense of wistfulness.

How wonderful would it be if none of this had to end after this meal!

"Gabriel, when this meal is over, we'll be parting our ways, don't we?" She inquired of the blue, her eyes welling up with unshed tears.

She gave herself a subtle pinch to force back tears, willing her emotions back under control.

"It's not quite true, Ava. It's just that our agreed-upon time coming to a close," Gabriel replied, taking a sip of his wine while gazing at the scenery outside.

He had initially believed he wouldn't be too affected by their impending separation, but now he couldn't deny a sense of melancholy creeping in.

He found himself pondering a question.

If he didn't carry so much baggage and if the person he was with wasn't in any danger, would he consider a future with Ava?

He himself couldn't answer the question.

"An agreement is only an agreement, after all. But sometimes I wish we had agreed for a longer period," Ava sighed with a bittersweet smile. She turned her affectionate eyes towards Gabriel.


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