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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Two Matters

Previously at the casino, he rescued Stella's younger brother, Ryan.

The appearance of Joseph Moore disrupted Gabriel Edwards's rhythm.

Initially, he thought that the one who kidnapped Ryan Turner was just a gang leader.

But various signs indicated that this Joseph Moore was extraordinary.

Firstly, Joseph Moore was closely associated with the city councilor, Jack Davis.

And from their interactions, it seemed that Jack Davis was somewhat submissive.

This was indeed strange.

What capability did a gang leader who ran a casino have to make a city councilor lower his stance?

Secondly, Joseph Moore's combat abilities were profound and unpredictable, and his subordinates were not ordinary fighters.

The busty girl, Victoria, and the fighters Ascue and Sungter.

Each of their combat abilities was top-notch.

Although he hadn't confronted Joseph Moore directly, he could feel the powerful aura emanating from Joseph.

Such an aura couldn't be faked.

It must be backed by genuine combat capabilities.

He was definitely an expert.

Thirdly, Joseph Moore had significant interactions with the Silverwood Clan of Ghostly Purgatory Hall.

The last time Sam made trouble for Stella Turner at the revolving restaurant, he was sent by Joseph Moore to collect debts.

Last night, Clarence Norton, the head of the clan, personally led an attack on the club under Joseph Moore's instructions.

What exactly did Joseph Moore have to be able to command Clarence Norton?

Fourthly, and most strangely,

Even though his identity remains a mystery,

many, including Mr. Brooks, understood that his status was extraordinary.

At the very least, he was not someone to be trifled with.

Joseph Moore must have known this as well.

Knowing this, how could Joseph dare to personally lead a chase to kill him over 1.1 million?

All signs indicated that Joseph Moore's concealed identity was definitely not simple!

Leon said, "After you called me that night, I secretly started investigating Joseph Moore. I've gathered some information, but I haven't gotten to the root of it."

"Tell me what you have found!"

Gabriel Edwards exhaled a puff of smoke, looking a bit displeased.

The day after the incident, he asked Stella Turner to buy him a new phone.

That night, he called Leon and explained the situation.

After so many days, with Leon's capabilities, he still hadn't figured out the details about Joseph Moore.

Either Joseph Moore was truly extraordinary, or Leon was incompetent.

But it was most likely the former.

Leon nodded, "Joseph Moore, 29 years old, studied in Jadia during his university years. He has been living in Sapphire Peaks ever since and only returned to Silverwood two years ago to manage three casinos and a club."

"The most important piece of information!"

"In Sapphire Peaks, he once apprenticed under a top-ranked expert in the Underground World Sky List!"

"Sky List powerhourse? Who?" Gabriel Edwards became interested.

No wonder Joseph Moore exuded such a strong aura, he had a masterful teacher.

"That person from the Sky List is known as the 'Outlaw Madman'. It's said that his ranking is quite high. Joseph Moore, being a student of the Outlaw Madman, must be very powerful," Leon said.

"Outlaw Madman?" Gabriel Edwards chuckled, finding the name amusing.


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