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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Unexpected News

Maria's life was too smooth.

So she has always been very aloof.

Today, she lost to Gabriel.

The gambling agreement would crushed her sense of superiority.

Only in this way could she face up to reality.

She didn't want to admit her defeat.

But she had to.

However, she maintained her final self-esteem.

She wanted to use the condition of 'It lies in you whether you can take it off or not' as a last resort.

She still refused to fulfill the agreement in her heart.

She was certain that Gabriel cannot do anything to her based on her ability as long as she was unwilling to do that.

But for some reason, she felt uncomfortable.

"Beep beep."

At that moment, the fifth taxi came over.

It was driven by Sparrow.

In the back seat of the car sat Tomas and Luca.

Although the two were injured, they were extremely concerned about the final outcome.

Unable to wait for an ambulance, they let the Sparrow take them to the finish line.

The left and right windows of the rear seat have been rolled down.

Tomas and Luca asked in unison, "Who is winner?"

In fact, the result was self-evident.

Maria's was gloomy, and the young people were also disheartened.

But both Gabriel and Eagle were smiling.

The result was already obvious.

Finally, Eagle couldn't help but laugh and said to Tomas, "Bro, we won this match. It was us."

Such answer stroke a sharp contrast between the expressions of Tomas and Luca in the car.

"Haha, great!"

Tomas was overjoyed and couldn't feel the pain on his body.

He knew that the name his father had given him was very auspicious.

"Thomas"-God of the Sun.

Poor Luca Nieh. He felt fear with a dazed look.

Gabriel narrowed her eyes and said to Maria, "Miss Maria, I know you have excellent skills and combat power. It's not an easy thing to take off your underwear. Although my ability is not comparable to yours, I want to give it a try."

Whether Maria was willing or not, he would never give up what he had won.

"Okay, I knew your combat power is also impressive, and I also want to have a fight with you." She replied.

Maria put away his frustration and turned ambitious.

"Although I lost the match, I excellent fight power could never be lost to Gabriel's." She thought.

She hoped to regain her self-esteem in the next battle.

Both of them laughed at the same time.

And both of them revealed a light smile from the corners of the mouth.

At that moment, their smiles were exactly the same.

An inexplicable strange atmosphere spread in the air.

Others present felt confused.


Gabriel's phone rang at this moment.

The crisp ringtone broke the weird atmosphere.

Gabriel took out the phone and found that it was Stella' call.

"What's up? Do you miss me?"

Gabriel couldn't help flirting with her.

Stella was very indifferent to such jokes and said coldly, "Listen, I overheard Michael Davis talking to someone in the living room. He asked Ghost Face to assassinate Santos Adams.

And then Stella hung up directly.

Apart from breaking the news to Gabriel, she didn't want to say one more word with him.

Gabriel went blank with holding the phone.

Stella's words really surprised him.

"Why did the Davis Family suddenly want to kill Santos?"


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