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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 The Adams and Davis Families

The sirens blared, piercing the ear.

A dozen police cars and some special-purpose vehicles for the Dragon Guards stretched out to the distance.

And there were even two armored vehicles.

Over a hundred armed police officers and fully armed Dragon Guards surrounded the Adams' house, making it impossible to enter or leave.

In the distance, the genteel-looking Jack in the back of an Audi rolled down the car window.

A middle-aged man with bony cheeks and a pointed chin came over and said, "Mr. Davis, everything is ready. There are four snipers on the perimeter. Once he comes out, Ghost Face will be a target board full of bullets!"

With so many people mobilized, they were determined to kill Ghost Face.

"Director General Grant Jenkins, you'll have to be careful! Ghost Face is no ordinary person. Shout with righteous words first to express our hatred for the gangster and our regret for Mr. Adams. Record the whole process with a camera. Go!"

After that, Jack rolled up the window.

This time, they applied a set of interlocking stratagems to assassinate Santos Adams.

They asked Ghost Face to kill Santos first. With that done, they would kill him.

As long as they had a beautiful performance, they would have no worries in the future.

Except for Santos, no one in the Adams family could make any waves.

As a stooge and distant relative of the Davis family, Grant Jenkins, Director General of the police station, had been making all efforts to surround and kill Ghost Face.

After getting Jack's order, he directed and arranged everything in person.

Soon he shouted through a megaphone, "Listen up, the gangster inside! You've been surrounded. Come out and surrender..."

Before he could shout the righteous words, he saw Santos, supported by Freddie, walk out.


Grant, leaning against the car, was dumbfounded.

Jack also rolled down the Audi's window in surprise.

Seeing Santos's appearance, he mumbled in shock, "How come? The secret chamber for Santos to hide in has been found. How come Ghost Face failed to kill him?"

Sarah Mitchell was an insider on their side, and Maria Quinn was not at home. Such a long time had passed, but why was Santos still alive? Where was Ghost Face then?

He immediately had a bad premonition.

Since they couldn't kill him, Santos would know the Davis family had tried to kill him. Then, he would be in a rage.

And the Adams family and the Davis family would probably be in a deadly conflict.

"What should we do now, Mr. Davis?" Grant hurried to Jack's car and asked in a panic.

Jack's urbane face turned vexed. He roared, "Shut your fucking mouth! Given the circumstances, there's no other choice but to let it be. Go deal with Santos. I've got to go!"

Then he quickly rolled up the car window.

The car started and drove off, leaving a cloud of dust.

Grant was stunned. After a curse, he began scratching his head with mixed feelings.

"I'm Santos Adams, City Councilor. Let your leader come out!" Santos shouted like a powerful commander.

Many police officers and Dragon Guards present had all seen the old man on TV. Now they were all intimidated by his momentum.

The group of over a hundred people was silent.

Clenching his teeth, Grant quickly braced himself to go up and bow. "Hello, Mr. Adams, someone reported to the police that a villain wished to assassinate you. As soon as I got the news, I hurried over with my men. It's great to see you safe and sound!"

"You were so well-informed, Mr. Jenkins!" Santos snorted, ignoring Grant.

He took out his phone to call Michael Davis, and his call was answered.

"Is it a little disappointing to hear my voice, Sir Davis?" Santos asked directly.

Michael was obviously surprised on the phone, but pretended that he didn't know what was going on. "I don't understand, Mr. Sandoval. Is there a misunderstanding? I'll be the host another day. Let's sit down and have a good talk!"

"There's no need to talk. I have no guts to attend a party thrown to assassinate me!" Santos said curtly. Then he added quite seriously, "Both of us know everything. We don't have to beat around the bush anymore. I'm telling you, we'll be deadly enemies from now on!"

At this point, three army green trucks pulled in.


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