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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 218

Chapter 218 

Ryan thought about it and felt it couldn’t be right. Lethan was only in his early 30s. Even if he had an illegitimate child, the child couldn’t be that old

We’re just business partners, Carlisle said with a smile

Then who are your parents?” 

Anyone who could partner with a business mogul like Lethan must be of considerable standing

Carlisle was losing patience

Do I really need to go into all this with you?” 

It was just a business deal, yet Ryan was prying into his personal life


Daniel glanced anxiously at Carlisle, then back at his father

Dad, Carl’s already written the check. What else do 

you want

Ryan took a deep breath and settled into his chair, focusing on the document on his computer screen

Multitouch screen interaction functionality!” 

The first feature alone hooked Ryan instantly

He was stunned as he read through the three pages describing this concept. The idea of launching phone. apps by simply touching the screen seemed straight out of science fiction

While touch screens were not unheard of, they were mainly used in imported CNCquipment

However, the concept of applying touchscreen technology to phones baffled Ryan. No phone 

manufacturer had even considered it yet

As Ryan examined the diagrams of the phone models, he couldn’t help but be impressed by the full- 

screen design

The document ran over hundreds of pages. As Ryan sifted through it, he couldn’t help but visualize 

operating a fullscreen phone

After flipping through nearly 20 pages, Ryan felt like his entire outlook had been shaken to its core

His heart pounded, his breath quickened, and excitement surged through him

Compared to this revolutionary phone, those bigname brands on the market seemed like ants

DadYou don’t look too good. Are you feeling unwell?” 

Noticing his father trembling with a pale face, Daniel couldn’t help but feel concerned

Ryan shook his head and gestured to his son

Daniel, could you step outside for a moment?” 

Daniel appeared cautious

I’m not leaving. I’m worried you might lose your temper, and things could get physical. 

Ryan’s lips twitched with a mix of amusement and exasperation

I won’t lose my temper. Just step out for a bit, I need to discuss something important with Carl.” 

Daniel furrowed his brows, hesitating as he glanced at Carlisle

Carlisle nodded reassuringly

Go on, Daniel.” 

Daniel reluctantly rose from his seat

Casting a watchful glance at his father, he urged, Keep your cool!” 

After delivering his message, he left the office, leaving the door slightly open behind him

Outside, Daniel remained vigilant, prepared to step in if things got out of hand between his father and Carlisle

Inside the office, Ryan lit a cigarette and then spoke in a low voice, This phone you’re proposing will revolutionize the entire era. Who’s the genius behind this design?” 

Carlisle brushed it off, saying. That’s not your concern. I just need you to develop the chip I want.” 


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