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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 242

Chapter 242 

Fuck off. Believe it or not, but I’ll kill you!the disabled man snarled, his fury palpable

Carlisle, worried that the man might be part of a group, said, You can deceive others, but not my girlfriend!” 

The man glanced at the 20dollar bills still in Wanda’s hand

He gritted his teeth in frustration and said with a hint of menace, Take your girlfriend and get out of here. Don’t let me see you again!” 

With the end of the workday approaching and schools about to let out, more tourists would soon be on the island. To avoid losing his begging opportunities, he chose to back down

As Carlisle and Wanda walked away from the tense situation, Wanda was still troubled by doubts

He doesn’t have legs. How could he be faking it?” 

Carlisle explained, They are trained to tuck their legs under themselves.” 

He knew of the deceptive techniques that exploited sympathetic passersby, having become aware of such frauds through his experience

Wanda was curious about Carlisle’s discernment and asked, How did you figure it out?” 

With a knowing smile, Carlisle elaborated, He wore long pants on a sweltering day, a clear sign he was hiding something. If he were genuinely disabled, he wouldn’t have a reason to hide his legs.” 

He even warned that future con artists might employ realistic prosthetics to further their deceit

Wanda expressed her frustration, These people are despicable. We should have exposed him right there.” 

Carlisle shook his head

They likely operate in a small group. If we mess with their livelihood, we could have trouble coming our way!” 

I wonder how many kindhearted people have been deceived. I simply don’t understand these people. They have hands and feet, so why can’t they find a legitimate job?Wanda complained, wrinkling her nose

Carlisle stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked ahead

He murmured, This is just the tip of the iceberg. Once the Internet develops further and smartphones become widespread, internet scams and telephone fraud will become rampant.” 

Wanda pursed her lips

They may think they can get away with this, but karma will catch up with them eventually.” 

The evening grew darker as they continued their walk, the path illuminated by twinkling fairy lights strung along the trees

Chapter 242 

Carlisle discreetly texted Heath, who quickly grasped the situation and instructed Wade to deploy a team to Yearning Island

Meanwhile, Carlisle and Wanda arrived at a plazalike platform at the end of the road

An old man was fishing off the edge, and the couples nearby were participating in the romantic activity of 

releasing sky lanterns into the night sky

Wanda’s eyes sparkled with delight

Carlisle, I want to release a sky lantern, too.” 

Responding to her wish, Carlisle purchased two lanterns from a nearby stall

He then crouched to light the wax block inside Wanda’s sky lantern

Remember to make a wish when it goes up!” 


Wanda nodded

As the sky lantern slowly began its ascent, she clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and whispered her wish into the quiet of the night

I hope Carlisle and I can have a perfect future together.” 

Carlisle joined Wanda in the ritual, bringing his hands together

He silently wished, I hope Wanda will have quite a few of my kids.” 

This moment did not escape Leon’s keen eye

He captured several photos of the couple making their wishes, then lay on the ground to capture a more dramatic shot with the lanternfilled sky as a backdrop

When the two opened their eyes, Wanda asked, What did you wish for?” 

It won’t come true if I tell you.” 

Alright. Then let’s launch another sky lantern!” 

They lit another lantern, watching it ascend as they closed their eyes and made more wishes


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