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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1033

Stuart gazed at Jepherson in the rearview mirror. "Why is Mr. Jepherson quiet?" he thought. "This is such shocking news. Yet, he's calm and collected. That’s surprising indeed."

"Mr. Jepherson hasn't been particularly close to Mr. Santiago, but..."

"But they're siblings after all."

"Could it be true then that Mr. Jepherson hates Mr. Santiago?"

As they arrived at Richards Manor, a group of reporters could be seen waiting at the entrance. Be that as it may, Jepherson refused to wait in the car. At that moment, the crowd of reporters had surrounded the car. Stuart got out of the car immediately and went to the rear door panel. Then, he lifted the door handle. Jepherson got out of the car. He had always been his unapproachable self, where he came across as cool and stone- faced. Right then, he looked exceedingly intimidating. There was an aura of regality about his demeanor. No reporters dared to come closer. Instead, they retreated.

Stuart lowered his head. Thank goodness Santiago’ s passing was a made- up story.

Otherwise, Jepherson would have regarded these reporters' invasion of privacy as adding insult to injury and subsequently had them pay for it.

"Excuse me," Stuart said. "Mr. Jepherson’s not feeling well."

Stuart then motioned the crowd of reporters to disperse. Those reporters had wanted to bombard Jepherson with a slew of questions. Ironically, no one dared to approach him at that moment. Jepherson was gazing around, as if trying to pinpoint the murderer who poisoned his younger brother to death. His gaze was one which could send chills down one's spine.

After gazing around for a few seconds, Jepherson strode towards the manor. Stuart tagged along. Jepherson headed straight towards Ink Garden. Stuart instructed someone to close the gate as he made his way to Ink Garden.

Broken-hearted, Marissa could be seen sitting on the couch as she clenched her fist and thumped her chest, lamenting the passing of her grandson.

She had been exceedingly agitated, so much so that her eyes were bloodshot.

The servants had been restless too. They had always felt that Marissa did not take a liking to Santiago. Looking at it then, it was clear that she held Santiago dear.

While Marissa was grieving, the servant standing by the entrance yelled, "Mr. Jepherson. Mr. Jepherson's back."

The servant burst into tears. Marissa raised her head immediately. As soon as Jepherson walked past the entrance of the Ink Garden, he shouted, "Buzz off."

It was the first time that Jepherson told them off. Nonethless, they did not take it personally. They were able to empathize with him since he had just lost a brother.

"Mr. Santiago has always been a domineering man," they thought. "However, he has never gotten into mischief at home."

The servants wiped the tears off their cheeks and left. Stuart stood by the entrance, ensuring that no one would come in.

"Oh, dear. Where have you been?" Marissa said. "Your younger brother has..." Saddened, she almost burst into tears as she spoke.

It was not the case of her own son kicking the bucket. Nonetheless, it was equally saddening to find that her grandson had passed on. Marissa had never endured such grief and loss. Hence, she shall not let this pass.

Jepherson walked in and hurried towards his grandmother. He sat down and held Marissa in his arms. "No worries, no worries," he said. "Santiago’ s safe and sound."

Tears were rolling down her cheeks. As soon as Jepherson assured her, she stopped crying.

Stunned, she gently pushed Jepherson away. "Jerry..." she said, thinking that her grandson had gone berserk.

"It’s true, Grandma," Jepherson said convincingly.

"I swear I'm not lying."


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