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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1037

Raeleigh reckoned that Santiago had an attitude problem.

"Well, if you don't own up to your mistakes and make amends, I've got to let Jepherson know so that he'll intervene," Raeleigh said. Santiago seemed to shrug her off. "I'm a grown-up, I know what I'm doing," Santiago said as he shook his leg. That air of nonchalance annoyed Raeleigh.

"Yeah, right," Raeleigh said. "You aren't sensible enough. Hence, you've got it all wrong." While Raeleigh was reprimanding Santiago, Scarlette wondered what happened. "What has Mr. Santiago done?" she thought. "Raeleigh has always been mild- mannered. The fact that she wants to bring this up to Mr. Jepherson is indication enough that Mr. Santiago must have done something that's rather unacceptable."

"Well, then. Hurry up, Raeleigh", Scarlette thought. "I can't wait to see Mr. Santiago eating some humble pies."

"Are you done b*tching?" Santiago said. He turned hostile all of a sudden, catching Scarlette off guard. She then stood up and said, "Raeleigh, I'm going to the washroom. Wanna come along?"

"Nah, go ahead," Raeleigh replied.

Scarlette had a feeling that Raeleigh's gaze was suggestive of her being good-for-nothing. In spite of that, she had to make a move lest Santiago took his anger out on her.

Hadrian was sitting near the elevator while Scarlette had gone to the washroom. Raeleigh and Santiago were then sitting outside the intensive care unit without the company of other people. Santiago shook his leg and said, "I'll tell him then."

Raeleigh looked at Santiago. "What are you gonna tell him?" she said.

Santiago looked at Raeleigh. "Well, what do you want me to tell him?" he said.

"Tell him the truth."

"Telling the truth, that’s how I roll."

"Is Deanna..."

"Deanna’s like a sister to me," Santiago said. Raeleigh paused for a moment before she said, "Is Deanna your..."

"Deanna's like a sister to me," Santiago interjected. Raeleigh then stopped talking and remained quiet.

After sitting for a while, Santiago stood up. He took a pack of cigarettes and left to take a puff. Scarlette dashed towards Raeleigh the moment Santiago left.

"Raeleigh, what's going on?" Scarlette asked. "What have you guys been talking about?" Raeleigh did not respond. She watched as Santiago puffed smoke rings along the corridor.

Raeleigh did not speak to Santiago for the rest of the day. They had dinner at eight o'clock in the evening. Soon after that, Jepherson called.

Raeleigh went to the washroom as she answered the phone. Jepherson was about to have a rest. He called Raeleigh to check in on her.

"Nothing much to do," Raeleigh said. "We've been keeping an eye on Deanna. She hasn't woken up yet. I'm worried since it's been three days she fell into a coma." Raeleigh did not say anything about Santiago. As much as she wanted to bring up what he had done, she held back.

Raeleigh did not say anything about Santiago. Jepherson did not ask about Santiago either.

"Do you miss me?" Jepherson asked. Raeleigh blushed. As she looked into the mirror, she found herself blushing as red as a tomato.

"Well, not really," Raeleigh said. It was not the case that she was reluctant to admit that she had been missing him. Quite the contrary, she did not have the time to think about other matters since she was hung up on Deanna. Besides that, she had been busy bombarding the doctor with questions whenever he came to check in on Deanna.

Jepherson had not crossed her mind for the better part of the day.

To Raeleigh, cultivating a loving relationship is equivalent to seasoning a pot of stew. It takes time to season the stew with the right amount of condiments and herbs before one can deliver the perfect recipe.

"I've been missing you though," Jepherson said smilingly.

"But it’s been only a day since we last met."

"One day's like an eternity to me."

"You sweet talker."

"Women love it, don't they?"

Raeleigh did not respond further. Bored, she could be seen pursing her lips and cupping her blushing cheeks as she sat on the toilet seat.

"I'm travelling elsewhere. I'll be back in a few days’ time. Take care. Call me up if there are any pressing issues.”

"Alright, you too. Stay safe and take care."


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