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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 105

"Yes, yes." The security manager understood and hurriedly held up the walkie-talkie in his hand. When he saw the men in a pool of their own blood, he immediately knew that he could not provoke Hansen. He hurriedly called all the guards to come over and control the crowd while he went to find the manager himself.

A sweaty Mr. Freed rushed over and saw Hansen's face as well as the woman in his arms. His legs nearly gave way and his whole heart sank.

It was known that Mr. Richards was one of the shareholders of this nightclub.

All it took was one word from him and this place would immediately close down. He could also pull all of the money he had invested in this place and this place would go bankrupt.

"Mr. Richards, you're here. I'm sorry I'm late." He put on a smile in an attempt to calm the situation.

When he saw that the men were still cursing even though they were held down by the security guards, his eyes flickered with irritation and he cursed angrily, "You guys are useless! How can you allow these men to come in here to cause trouble? Hurry up and escort them to the security room."

After receiving the order, the security manager did not dare to disobey the orders. Soon, the guests and security guards all left.

"Mr. Richards, no one told me that you were here. Please forgive me if I have offended you," Mr. Freed apologized sincerely with a charming smile on his face.

Hansen's eyes were dark. He snorted and spat out a few short words, "This place will be shut down effective tomorrow!"

He announced coldly. Then, he picked up the woman in his arms and strode away.

Mr. Freed immediately stood there with his face as white as sheets.

The hustle and bustle gradually faded, and everything sank into silence.

By the time Jenna woke up, it was already the morning of the next day. She opened her eyes and immediately regretted it when she saw the light. A familiar scent tickled her nose.

Although she had a splitting headache, she felt a little queasy,

Her intuition told her that she was not in the Richards Manor.

Where was this place?

After slowly adjusting her eyes to the light, Jenna finally opened her eyes.

Collier Manor!

She was in Collier Manor!

She had returned to Collier Manor. Who brought her here? What happened the night before?

She looked down and realized that she was wearing a sexy nightdress. Who had changed her?

She vaguely remembered that she was drinking away her sorrows at a nightclub and had met some evil men the night before. After that, everything was a blur. Was it Hansen who saved her again?

She turned around, got up, and ran outside.

There was not a soul in the huge living room.

However, there seemed to be a noise coming from the kitchen.

She quickly ran into the kitchen.

The slender and stalwart man was busy in the kitchen. Although he was clumsy, there was a lot going on in the kitchen. The man was stirring something in a pot. His movements were careful and focused.

Jenna was stunned. She could not believe her eyes.

The dignified Young Master of the Richards family was personally cooking breakfast.

Was he making porridge? Did the sun rise from the west?

She once heard him say that men do not need to enter the kitchen to cook. Such a man was worthless!

However, look at what he was doing now!

He was breaking his own rule! He was cooking in the kitchen. Did he change his mindset?

Jenna instantly felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She was a little touched by his gesture.

She knew that he was cooking breakfast for her. In fact, Hansen knew that Jenna was there.

He could hear her footsteps but he did not turn around.

It was not until Jenna came closer that she saw the steaming porridge in the pot and saw the green leaves floating on it that her stomach began to growl. Then she realized that he was cooking porridge for her.

Was she touched? Of course she was.

However, Jenna still couldn't believe it.

"You should go and take a shower. The porridge will be ready when you're done."

"Did you cook this for me?" She asked timidly.

He didn't make any comment. His face was expressionless, but he didn't deny it.

Jenna still seemed to be floating on the clouds. She felt that this was a dream. It was not until he said, "Why are you still standing here? Go and take a shower!" that she came back to her senses.

He did not turn around to look at her the whole time she was there. It was as if he had eyes at the back of his head. He knew her every move.

"Okay," Jenna braced herself and agreed. Then she turned around and left.

Although she still felt a little queasy from the night before, when she saw the porridge, her appetite surged and her stomach began to growl. Then, it hit her when she realized that she did not eat anything the day before.

Hansen actually cooked porridge for her. She was touched and shocked.


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