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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1051

The plane touched down the next day. Raeleigh was exhausted. It did not occur to her that Jepherson would be travelling to a distant land so far away from the country.

Jepherson held her hand as soon as they disembarked from the plane. They got into a taxi and headed straight to the hotel.

As he got off the taxi, Jepherson asked the hotel receptionist some details about a particular room. He sounded as if he had arranged to meet up with a friend.

The hotel receptionist politely turned him down. "I'm sorry," she said. "Our guests’ details shall remain confidential."

"Sure, I understand," Jepherson said. He then turned around and shrugged his shoulders, looking rather disappointed. He made a phone call afterwards.

Raeleigh gazed at Jepherson. She could hear a man's breathy moan when Jepherson’s call was connected. It was cringeworthy. Immediately, she turned around and directed her gaze elsewhere.

Jepherson hung up on the man there and then. "That old man is still as sprightly as ever," Jepherson thought. "But what is up with the afternoon delights though? He should do it at night."

"Let's take a seat," Jepherson said as he held Raeleigh's hand while carrying the suitcase. "You' re tired, aren't you? Let's grab some snacks." Raeleigh was indeed tired. She could be seen leaning against Jepherson.

They walked to the opposite side of the lobby to take a seat. Jepherson clasped her in his arms. They sat on a couch and ordered some food.

At that moment, Raeleigh felt nauseous.

She had no idea why she felt like throwing up.

"I'm not feeling well," she said. Jepherson lowered his head and pinched her face. "Having motion sickness, huh?" Jepherson asked.

Raeleigh shook her head. "Could it be a stomach flu then?" Jepherson thought.

Jepherson then touched Raeleigh's forehead. "You don't have a temperature," he said.

"But I've been feeling sick though," Raeleigh said. "I have to go to the washroom." As soon as she got up, she retched.

Like a cat on a hot tin roof, Jepherson bent over immediately. Then, he carried Raeleigh to the washroom while holding his bag.

Raeleigh seemed to be suffering from food poisoning. The moment she went into the washroom, she vomited all over the basin.

While Jepherson was waiting anxiously, Hansen called up.

"Raeleigh’s sick,” Jepherson said. "We’ re at the lobby. Come over here, please."

Jepherson was on tenterhooks as he waited outside.

"How are you doing?" Jepherson asked.

Jepherson kept knocking on the door. A slew of hotel guests could be seen staring at him, wondering what had happened. Still feeling sick, Raeleigh mustered the strength to make her way out of the washroom.

As soon as she walked out of the washroom, she leaned on Jepherson's shoulder. Jepherson bent over and carried her to the lobby.

While Jepherson was heading to the lobby, he saw Hansen and Jenna.

Jenna was taken aback when she saw her son carrying a woman. Soon afterwards, she was all smiles. Hansen glowered at her. "Why are you smiling though?" Hansen said. "There's nothing funny. I have no idea why he's here. Well, I’m not going back home though."

Hansen hadn't had enough fun. Naturally, he refused to head home.

Jenna shrugged him off. She dashed towards Jepherson and asked, "Jerry, what's wrong with her?"

Jepherson thought that his savior had shown up. T ve got no idea,” he said hurriedly. "She was feeling nauseous when we got off the plane."

"What has she eaten?" Jenna asked. Her charming face showed signs of ageing. However, it was still as tender as ever.

If she kept mum about her age, then no one would believe that she was a mother of two grown-up boys.

Raeleigh gazed at Jenna. She was surprised to find that Jenna is in fact Jepherson's mother. They looked like siblings to her.


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