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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 107

"Jenna, you're here," she parted her chapped lips and spoke with a hoarse voice. There were also dark circles around her eyes.

However, soon, her eyes were fixed on one person, and didn't move away for a long time.

"Mom." Hansen greeted her eyes with a slightly apologetic smile, then spoke warmly.

Mom? Did he just address her as his mom? Jenna was surprised; his voice was so natural and warm, it even made her suspect that it was not from him.

Anyway, she was already grateful to Hansen for agreeing to keep their marriage a secret from her mother, but she had never expected him to call Sara 'mom.'

Now he greeted Sara so naturally and Jenna felt his sincerity. At least he honored his promise and tried to fulfill it.

However, Sara just stared at him. She did not respond nor look away for quite some time.

She did not look surprised at all, there wasn't hope at all in her eyes; they were lifeless even with a hint of death. Her gaze made Hansen feel guilty, and the guilt and self-reproach in his heart made him feel very uneasy.

Knowing the underlying meaning of the gaze and withstanding the nerves in his heart, he put the supplements and flowers on the bedside table, then reached out and put his arm around the shoulders of the crying Jenna. He whispered, "Jenna, is mom okay? Why are you so sad? Are you trying to make your mother sadder with this look? Now that the source of the kidney is being identified, everything will get better soon so be happy, will you?"

Even though he said that, he still felt uncomfortable. After all, it was the first time that he addressed the woman in front of him as "Mom" ever since he got married. He had never come to visit this nominal mother- in- law before. Therefore, Sara might not have a good impression of him either.

However, his words reminded Jenna who was feeling sad.

She quickly wiped her tears away and displayed a sweet and relaxed smile, then said to Sara, "Mom, cheer up. Hansen has been searching for kidneys in the world after learning of your illness, and now he has finally found one. With the kidney, Mom, your illness will be cured soon, so you must be strong and don't waste Hansen's effort. We really need to thank him for his efforts!"

Jenna's tone was cheerful and relaxed, and she sounded very happy, as if her marriage with Hansen was harmonious and affectionate.

"Mom, I'm sorry that I could not visit you earlier. I have been too busy during this period of time, so please forgive me." Hansen's face was ashamed, and he took the opportunity to speak.

But Sara's face didn't have too much expression.

She was not a fool. Her daughter had been married to him for years but had he ever fulfilled the responsibilities of a son- in- law? She was not demanding more from him, but he could not even do the least as a son-in-law.

She had been in bed all these days. Although Aunt Lee deliberately concealed things about Jenna, she had learned from the news media that her daughter had been living unhappily after marrying him, and... they had divorced.

This huge blow completely crushed her.

Knowing that her daughter was trying her best to hide the truth from her, she also pretended not to know anything, but such a blow completely crushed her confidence. Her love for her husband and her worry for her daughter caused her to suffer from depression, and her illness started to deteriorate over time.

Now that she suffered from kidney disease, she no longer cared anymore as she had lost all hope.

At that moment, Rayan came over to accompany her. Although he didn't say anything, she saw Rayan's sincerity. Rayan was not inferior to Hansen at all. What was more important was that he loved her daughter and would treat her daughter well. If her daughter managed to find a good husband, she would be happy for her.

But it did not work out as she had hoped. The person her daughter loved was still Hansen. She knew her daughter's thoughts as her mother. The truth was really painful for her to swallow. Her husband was already no longer around, and the only daughter she had was in an unhappy marriage.

"Oh my girl, why are you being such a fool?" Tears slowly fell from her closed eyes, and she tilted her head to one side.

"Mom, you have to stay happy. Now that the kidney is ready and the surgery will be done soon, everything is moving in the right direction. However, the key is that you have to be happy, optimistic, and follow the instructions from the doctor. You will get well soon," Jenna held Sara's hand tightly and said seriously. "Mom, you are my closest relative in this world. You can't leave me behind. How am I supposed to live without you?"

Jenna choked up again when she said this.

Sara's gaze slowly moved to Jenna. She held Jenna's hand with her pale hands, and she held it firmly, with love in her eyes.


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