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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1103

After dinner, drowsiness overcame Raeleigh again. Before they had even cleared up, she had dozed off in a corner. As Jepherson and Raeleigh had prepared dinner, Scarlette and Hadrian were in charge of washing the dishes. Raeleigh intended to wait until Scarlette and Hadrian were done, but she fell asleep much quicker than she thought she would. Jepherson got up and carried Raeleigh back to their cabin.

Scarlette and Hadrian were nowhere to be seen when they left. Cynthia told Santiago, "Your brother and Raeleigh are such a loving couple."

"And we're not?" Santiago retorted in a joking manner. Cynthia blushed as she asked, "How are we the same?"

"Emotions are universal. The right person will bring peace to you. My brother's temper is worse than mine. When he loses his temper, he's like a madman. You haven't seen it before, so you wouldn't understand. But whenever he's with her, he's as gentle as a lamb."

Santiago laughed. He got up to chug his beer as he leaned forward. Cynthia looked at Santiago and cautioned him. "You shouldn't drink too much. It's not good for your health."

"If I don't take full advantage of this body in my youth, then I won't have any chance to in the future." Santiago took another chug of beer and turned to face the direction of the wind. "Why?" Cynthia asked, a little confused.

"No particular reason. That's just how I feel about it. I'm young, so I should do whatever I want. It'll be tough when I get older. Who knows, maybe I'll have to take on a position in the company like Jepherson. If that's true, then I don't have much time left." Santiago had finished his beer when he said that. He drew his arm back and sent the bottle sailing far away into the ocean.

Cynthia stood beside him, looking at him for a brief moment. She did not say anything in reply. She simply accompanied him as he gazed at the blue waters.

By the time Raeleigh woke up, it was already the next morning. The yacht was already returning to the harbor.

In Raeleigh's waking moments, she saw no sign of Jepherson in the cabin. She sat on the bed for a while before going out onto the deck. Jepherson was just about to return to the cabin after collecting the laundry that he had washed the day before.

When Jepherson saw Raeleigh, he smiled. "Finally awake?"

"Yup," Raeleigh replied tersely, stopping in her tracks. Jepherson led her back into their room.

"We're going back to the harbor, right?" Raeleigh had momentarily looked at their surroundings. Jepherson sat down and teased her. "Is your sense of direction that good?"

Raeleigh cast a glance at Jepherson and sat on the bed too. She replied, "I've had a good sense of direction since I was young."

"That's strange. Santiago and I are the same. We've had a good sense of direction even as children, especially out at sea. No matter where we go, we will still be able to determine our exact location."

Jepherson laughed as he told her that. Of course they're the same. They're siblings after all. It's probably genetic. Raeleigh thought to herself.

Jepherson put down the laundry and went out to bring in the seafood chowder that he had prepared for Raeleigh. "I cooked it this morning. Have a taste. This fish is really fresh."

Raeleigh held the bowl, taking a few sips of the chowder. It was indeed very delicious, but she did not have much of it. She did not even eat the fish. She only took a couple of sips of the broth before making her way into the bathroom. When she emerged from the bathroom, she looked at

Jepherson, who was standing to one side, dressed up and ready to go out on the deck. Raeleigh said, "Let's not go out. There are too many people outside. Let's lie down here together for a while."

Jepherson was bemused. "Are you feeling seasick? You've been sleeping a lot since we got onto the yacht."

"No, I'm not seasick. I just want to lie in bed," Raeleigh told him and made her way back to the bed. Jepherson looked at Raeleigh and asked, "Are you feeling extra sleepy because of the baby?"

Raeleigh did not answer him. However, she did notice that her extreme drowsiness recently was because of her pregnancy.

Raeleigh looked very cozy lying in bed. Jepherson turned around, got into the bed as well, and pulled her into his arms. Out of nowhere, he said, "Is there anything you want to tell me? If there is, then just say it."

Jepherson could not bear to see Raeleigh suffer alone. He wanted her to tell him her problems so that they could work through them together. He was distressed seeing her fret over it all alone, unable to come up with a solution.

Raeleigh looked at Jepherson and asked, "Tell me,

what do you want to name our baby?"

Jepherson was momentarily taken aback. "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"There's no reason in particular. I just felt like it." Raeleigh turned over and hugged Jepherson. He thought it over for a while and asked her in return, "Then, what names do you have in mind?"


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