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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1109

Scarlette's current expression was not to be trifled with. Out of the blue, she questioned Deanna, "What are you afraid of? What are you hiding?"

"Nothing, it's nothing," Deanna replied suddenly. Zorion looked down at Deanna. He knew his sister better than anyone else.

"Deanna, did you use that debt to threaten Raeleigh?" Zorion asked, keeping his head low. Deanna hurriedly shook her head and implored, "I didn't want to hurt Raeleigh. I just wanted her to spend more time with you." Deanna's face was overcome with gloominess. Zorion was dumbfounded for a second, but he did not put the blame on Deanna. Instead, he held her in his arms and told her, "It's okay. I'm not mad. You're still young, you don't know enough."

"Young? She's the same age as us. It's because of a brother like you that..." Scarlette started.

Zorion instantly shot Scarlette a glare. Scarlette immediately cut herself off.

Zorion then said, "I apologize on Deanna's behalf."

Raeleigh was smiling as she replied, "I'm fine. You don't need to apologize. I will think of a way to return the money to you."

"I told you, I don't want that money..."

"Don't say that you don't want it. If that's really the case, then it makes me feel like I've sold myself for that money. I owe you, so I have to return it to you."

"In fact, I did think about returning the money to you. But it's just that I never had the means to do so. This house was bought by Jepherson. Although the house is in my name and it's a reward for my design, I always thought in the back of my mind that my life wouldn't have soared to these heights without Jepherson. It wouldn't have gone this smoothly."

I don't have a stable income of my own yet. Plus, I've done the math. Even if I sell this house, it won't be enough to pay off my debt to you guys. So, I'll come up with a way to pay it off, but it may have to wait a little longer."

Raeleigh had planned to get a job so that she would be able to pay off her debt slowly. However, that was beginning to look impossible.

"You can take your time. I'm not looking down on you." Zorion was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He was caught between the beloved sister in his arms and the woman he loved.

Raeleigh shook her head. "Give me one year. I will pay it all off within one year."

Scarlette's eyes grew wide. She exclaimed, "Raeleigh, are you being serious?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?"


Scarlette thought that it was best if she called Jepherson and told him about the situation. She excused herself and went to the bathroom. Upon entering, she immediately dialed Jepherson's number. At that moment, Jepherson was talking to Johan. Hansen and Jenna were abroad. Hence, Jepherson was the one accompanying Santiago to make a formal proposal to Cynthia at the Moore family residence.

After he received the call, Jepherson left the manor. Santiago asked him what the matter was. Jepherson then took out a credit card and handed it to Santiago. He instructed his brother, "Use this to pay off Raeleigh's debt to Zorion. She won't accept it if I'm the one giving it to her. Think of a way to get her to accept it."

Santiago took the card and stowed it away. "How about you head home first? It'll just be a minute, I haven't said all I wanted to say yet."

Santiago strode back into the manor after saying that, in search of Cynthia. Jepherson made his way back into his car.

Raeleigh was sitting in the living room, talking to Zorion and Deanna. It did not take long before Jepherson arrived at the house.

Jepherson alighted and went to the front door. Raeleigh was taken aback for a moment when he made his entrance. She looked at Scarlette, who immediately turned around and hid in the corner.

When Jepherson came in through the door and saw Zorion and Deanna, he did not show much of a reaction.


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