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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1142

"Then, you can start preparing the food. I'm going to lie down for a while. Call me when it's ready." Jacky then made his way upstairs. Deanna looked around to see if there was any firewood to start a fire. After washing the pot and placing the potatoes in it, she went outside to gather some firewood. The weather that day was somewhat chilly and gloomy. Deanna could not handle the cold, and her face was beginning to turn red.

It did not take long before she came back with a pile of firewood in her arms. She placed the firewood underneath the stove before lighting it up. Once the fire was big enough, she started to cook the potatoes. She would then sit by the fire to warm herself up while waiting.

Once the pot began to boil, Deanna briefly glanced at the time and felt that the food should be ready. She then put out the fire.

After waiting for the pot to cool down, Deanna took out the potatoes and served them on a plate. She brought the plate to the table and yelled for Jacky to come down. When Jacky descended the stairs, he was stunned when he saw Deanna's present appearance.

At that moment, Deanna was wearing a pair of shoes that barely covered her feet and a torn shirt. Her hair was wrapped in a piece of cloth, and her entire body was covered in dirt. Somehow, even ashes from the pot managed to get onto her face.

Jacky paused for a moment on the stairs. She was indeed a fool.

He could not help but to wonder, why was Zorion so smart, but she wasn't? Were they even from the same family?

Jacky continued walking down the stairs over to the dining table. At that moment, Jacky was wearing a long-sleeved shirt. He seemed warm and comfy in it, and Deanna was envious of him. She did not even own any proper clothes. How could she not be envious?

Jacky grabbed the chair and sat down. Deanna was practically akin to being his slave. She walked over to Jacky and stared at him from the side. If Jacky did not give her permission to sit down, then she would not dare to sit.

"Come and eat. After that, you can go ahead and boil some water," Jacky said as he took a potato and began eating.

Deanna had cooked six potatoes in total. When Jacky finally gave her permission, she immediately reached over for the largest potato. Once she finished it, she took a medium-sized one before devouring a third.

Jacky frowned and muttered in his heart, "She's such a fool. She only knows how to eat."

"Are you full?" Jacky asked Deanna. She hurriedly nodded her head. She was afraid that Jacky would get angry if she took too long to reply to him.

"Go and boil some water for a warm shower." Jacky got up and went outside. He stretched and briefly looked up at the sky. It seemed like it was going to rain soon. It was most likely that the lady and the others would not be coming home that day.

Deanna went out to gather more firewood so that she could boil some water for Jacky's shower.

Deanna knew that the water must have been too cold for him earlier, so that was why he wanted a hot shower.

She was envious of him!

After the water was boiled, Jacky brought a basin out and instructed, "Pour some water into the basin."

Deanna obediently filled the basin with water, scoop by scoop. Then, she looked at Jacky and lifted her eyebrows.

When she was done, she quietly informed him. "I'm done."

"Go ahead and take a shower," Jacky said as he walked to the side. He sat down and waited for Deanna to take a shower. When Deanna heard his words, she was so frightened that she immediately broke out in cold sweat, cowering in fear.

"There's... there's no need for that. I... I don't need a shower. I'm good." When Deanna first arrived, she was not even willing to wash her face. If it weren't because Jacky had ordered her to do so, then she would not even want to wash her face.

Crouching in a corner, Deanna was depressed. What if... What if something happened? What should she do?

"You're fine with it, but I'm not. Hurry up and take a shower. Otherwise, I'll help you." Jacky shot a displeased look towards Deanna. She hesitated for a long time and did not move.

Then, Jacky pretended to stand up. Deanna was scared out of her wits and quickly turned around to take a shower. She entered the bathroom and shut it tightly before using a rope to bind the door. Only then did she relax and finally take a shower.


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