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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 118

"Uncle Richards, I will come over every day to tell you about the comings and goings at Richards Group, as well as about Hansen. I know you are most concerned about Hansen. You must stay happy no matter what. I don’t hate Auntie Marissa anymore. It must be difficult for a woman to see her husband lying in bed."

"Uncle Richards, if you can hear me, get well soon, so that Auntie can be happy, and Grandma will be happy. Hansen will be happy too. For so many years, Hansen has actually not had a good life. As long as he thinks of you, he will be sad. He has learned to smoke now. You also know that he never smoked before. I think he learned to smoke because of his sadness. So, Uncle Richards, please get well soon. Let’s work together to get Hansen to quit smoking, okay?"

Jenna just sat there massaging him and talking to him softly.

For several days, she came here quietly and spoke to Trevor. She would sometimes tell him about funny events that occurred in the company, or other achievements as well as her thoughts on certain policies. She would even tell him stuff that she couldn't tell Hansen.

After all, she was now the Vice President of the company as well as the appointed heiress of Richards Manor. It was much easier for her to get things done. She accompanied Trevor patiently and often looked up information regarding the rehabilitation of vegetative people on the Internet in order to help him recover.

When night came, Jenna, who had been busy all day, left the hospital and the sky was already very dark. The colorful neon lights were shining in the city. She walked out of the hospital blankly. She did not know where to go.

She didn't want to go back to Richards Manor.

She hadn't seen Hansen or Aria in three days. She hadn't seen them since Hansen left with Aria that night.

He also no longer accompanied her to sleep.

She slept alone in the empty bedroom, feeling cold inside and out.

Aria and Hansen were probably sweetly staying with each other by now.

It was good news too. His attention had been turned to Aria so he would not pester her anymore.

However, the moment she thought of Hansen's gentle care of Aria, her heart throbbed.

From the beginning, she resisted him, until the time when Hansen successfully brought her happiness. Now, he was quietly leaving her all of a sudden. It had been a roller coaster ride for her emotionally.

Ups and downs; she was suffering.

She had to learn to adapt.

On the spacious street, the colorful screens in front of the high- rise buildings were playing various advertisements, and the gorgeous lights were shining against the night on the street. Lovers were seen hugging each other intimately.

There were different families and couples who were on the street, walking.

There was also laughter from the elders and children.

There were sounds of singing and laughing everywhere.

Jenna walked slowly down the street, alone and with a heavy heart.

She had nowhere to go.

After eating something at a hawker stall by the roadside, she walked slowly toward the company.

There was still much to work on the next day. Since she would also be alone in the bedroom at Richards Manor, it made no difference if she slept at the company's office. Not only could she finish her work, she could also spend more time at the hospital with her mother and Uncle Richards.

Moreover, although the bedroom in the office was rudimentary, it was quite comfortable. She also had more freedom there as she didn't have to worry about anything else or look at other people's faces. She did not need to worry about Hansen coming home late or where he would sleep.

The company was dark and the glass door of the exhibition hall on the first floor was shut. She turned to the back and took the elevator to the eighty-eighth floor. There were dim corridors with lone lights, and there was no one else. She was a little scared and wanted to turn around and leave, but when she thought of the lonely bedroom at Richards Manor, she braced herself and opened the office door.

She then locked the door and turned on all the lights inside.

She turned on the computer, made a cup of hot coffee for herself, flipped through the documents, and started typing on the keyboard. Soon, she had immersed herself in the business.

She gradually forgot about everything else once she started working. Perhaps it was due to the coffee, but she was very energetic and efficient.

When everything was done, she stood up, stretched, and looked up only to see that it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Only then did she realize that she had been sitting in the office for three full hours.

She walked around the room then turned on the LCD TV that hung on the wall. Various pictures popped up on the screen. Jenna then moved her body and yawned with a trace of fatigue.


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