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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1219

Raeleigh stared at Marissa as the color drained from her face. Ever since she was a little girl, she had heard countless unpleasantries, but Marissa's words were the most horrible ones she had ever heard to date.

As Raeleigh was a sensible person who had basic manners, she knew to respect the elders.

Thus, even though Raeleigh did not like Marissa and knew that she was using her status to belittle her, Raeleigh would still behave politely.

However, on that day...

Raeleigh had no idea why Jepherson did not defend her, but she decided that she was no longer going to endure Marissa's verbal abuse anymore.

There was a limit to one's patience. Furthermore, respect was earned and not given. This was what Novalie taught Raeleigh ever since she was little.

Novalie knew that Raeleigh was a smart girl. She would think twice before she acted and always stayed away from trouble.

That was why she kept reminding Raeleigh when she could, and she was worried that Raeleigh would have gotten taken advantage of.

Nevertheless, Raeleigh never recalled her grandmother's words. As respect worked both ways, she was not going to respect someone who did not show her the same decency. Her patience had reached its limit and Marissa had crossed the line for the last time.

Raeleigh fixed her eyes on Marissa. "I did not ask you for your opinion! Just because you look good on the outside does not mean you're not rotten on the inside. There are people who can't afford clothes, but have a heart of gold."

Kindness came from within.

There are some who know that regardless of their age, if they see an elderly person crossing the road, they should run up to help them.

While there are others who are aged, but like to flaunt their seniority and find joy in belittling people perceived to be inferior to them.

Although these people may appear royally noble on the outside, they are actually rotten-hearted.

Who in the world would want to be poor when they can be rich?

However, I don't care how rich you are because I don't want anything from you. No matter how well you dress, it will not stop you from aging or getting ill and in the end, dying. It will not stop you from being lonely.

With no husband, children nor grandchildren by your side.

This house might be big, but you're the only one living in it. Just because you have people serving you does not make this place feel like home.


You are old and you want to hear people saying nice things to you. But do you realize that no one is ever sincere to you? That's because they are afraid of you. They specifically say nice things to make you happy. It's like coaxing a dog.

They will get you anything you want, but have you ever thought about whether they've ever spat in your food?

In fact, you live a very sad life. You lie alone in bed every night, trying to come up with ways on how to make people feel inferior.

You like to control other people's life. You even control your son's and your grandson's lives.

Unfortunately, no one cares about you. You're just making a fool of yourself."

Everyone in the room was stunned by Raleigh's long, honesty laced speech. On the other hand, Marissa was quivering with anger. As she raised her hand and pointed at Raeleigh, she was wordless with rage. Then, she looked over at Jepherson who was just standing there, not


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