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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 122

"Wait, Jenna, I am practically your brother. It's not good for us to talk in such a hidden corner either. Aren't you afraid that someone will tell Hansen that we chatted alone in the dark?" Norton also got out of the electric car, but stopped her in advance. "Jenna, let’s go out, find a quiet teahouse, eat something, and then we will have a good chat. Trust me, I won’t do anything to you and my information is definitely worth your time."

His eyes were very frank and his words were very sincere.

That was it, she had to go out with him if she wanted to learn about her father. Thinking about her original intentions, she took a deep breath, bit her lip, and nodded. "Okay, then let's go."

"Okay." Norton was happy to see Jenna agreeing with him. He then walked towards the basement. "I'll drive."

There were many teahouses in A City, which were completely different from restaurants. They had a variety of teas and all kinds of exquisite desserts. The teahouses were usually elegantly decorated with quiet environments. Small lattice-style private rooms crisscrossed the halls. There were also private rooms that were very suitable for lovers and couples.

A variety of strong tea aromas came from the steaming purple clay pot, accompanied by exquisite desserts; they were indeed a woman’s favorite. The reason why Norton chose to come here was because he knew Jenna was like typical girls who liked to spend time here.

There was also once when Jenna accepted his invitation and came to the teahouse with Hannah.

"Jenna, remember, we came to this teahouse before when we were in college." After Norton sat down, he poured tea for her like a gentleman and graciously handed her the menu.

Jenna accepted the menu, but she was surprised. Had she been here with him? How could she not remember anything at all?

"Yeah." She hummed softly, ordered a few snacks, and ate slowly.

"Norton, we were also classmates. Let's get straight to the point, okay?" Jenna took another bite of the cake and spoke in a more peaceful tone.

"Of course, of course." Norton agreed while holding the cup and sipping his tea elegantly; the fragrance of the tea lingered in his mouth. He always perceived Jenna as an elegant tea that had an endless sweet aftertaste. He was already satisfied just by staring at her. Since meeting her in college, her pure beauty and extraordinary temperament had been deeply imprinted in his heart.

If it was not for Hansen, Jenna would definitely belong to him.

He was confident of it.

However, now, even Jenna had been taken by Hansen. He was unsatisfied.

Was it because Hansen was richer than him? He wouldn't let Hansen succeed. The cold light in his eyes flashed and he put on an approachable smile.

"Jenna, for so many years, you knew what I thought of you. I can't hurt you, and everything I do is for your own good. After I tell you something, promise me that you will leave Hansen. There will be no future for both of you to be together,” he drank a sip of tea and said seriously. Aria would not let her go, nor would she let them live a happy life together. Others might not know this but how could he not know it? If Jenna was still entangled with Hansen, she would only hurt herself more deeply.

He loved her and did not want to see her suffer more harm, so he had to take action. He must try to persuade her.

Jenna frowned when she heard it, then repeated herself, "Norton, I am here today for my father, regarding my own affairs. I know what I should do, and I don’t need you to remind me. I don't want to hear words like these anymore."

She was very upset in her heart. It seemed like she was hurting him just by being with Hansen, but still, she hated being threatened.

"Jenna, don't be so stubborn anymore. Can't you think of the consequences for once? Don't you know who is really good to you? Who is the one who harmed you, don't you know?" Norton finally made up his mind. He came closer, looked at her bright eyes and spoke deeply.

Jenna was frightened. She leaned her head back, sat upright, and asked in surprise, "What do you mean?" "You are a wise lady, so you should understand what I meant." The light in his eyes grew deeper and deeper, and his tone became mysterious.

"No, I don't understand." Jenna shook her head repeatedly.

"Don't understand?" Norton sighed suddenly. "Well, it's no wonder that some women are very dull when they're involved in such matters." Saying this, he said with great regret, "It's not your fault either. It's all his fault for tempting you so much that you lost your way.

"Who tempted me?" Jenna was even more curious.


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