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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1227

"She doesn't owe you anything. If your love can't make her happy, then I think it's best to let go as soon as you can. If losing your temper can save everything, then war can solve all the problems in the world, and doctors won't need to save the dead or heal the wounded."

"The problem lies with you. I've already given you plenty of opportunities, but you didn't appreciate them. That's your own fault."

"I've never interfered with you. My relationship with Raeleigh was always like brother and sister. It was your love that blinded you, and caused you to forget your original intentions."

Xanthus walked out as he spoke. Jepherson was quiet for a moment and he then followed him. After walking through the door, Raeleigh had caught up to him. They walked side by side on the school's paved pathway as they talked to Xanthus. Xanthus's hand stroked Raeleigh's hair. They both looked happier than they've ever been.

"Are you going back to your country?" Raeleigh didn't know about Xanthus's plan until she had left the school. Xanthus got into the car and closed the door. He then fastened his seat belt and prepared to drive away. When he heard Raeleigh ask him this, he stopped and gripped the steering wheel. "Since you've already decided to, now is the best time to head back. You can spend your vacation abroad and also visit your parents. That's what Grandma wants. Let's head back."

Raeleigh didn't answer and only sat in silence.

Grandma wanted to go abroad, but what if something happened to her, especially at her age?

Raeleigh was quiet the whole way home, even after getting out of the car. Novalie was sitting at home waiting for them. Xanthus had already called her. Since he was leaving, he ought to depart earlier so as not to get into trouble.

Jepherson needed to calm down. It would be good for him to come back later.

Raeleigh walked in from the front door. Novalie had already packed her things. She looked at her luggage on the ground and on the couch. Her grandmother didn't have much luggage to begin with. She barely had two full boxes and they were mostly filled with Raeleigh's books.

"Grandma, are you really going abroad?"

Raeleigh couldn't believe her eyes. She had lived with her grandmother for more than ten years. That was the first time she had ever seen her grandmother so determined.

Novalie looked up at her granddaughter. "Since we've agreed, of course, we have to. We should leave while the weather is good. Xanthus tells me that if we head there now, then it will be daytime by the time we get there. That's good, isn't it? Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to turn around."

Raeleigh was moved by her grandmother's words.

"I don't recall if I've renewed your passport. Have I done that? Raeleigh had just thought of this. Novalie looked at Xanthus, who was tidying up and said with a smile, "I don't even know when I got my passport. He must have got it done some time ago. Now that he's here, it's about time for me to use it."

"Hah!" Raeleigh snorted when she heard what Novalie said. "How are you going to try that out?"

"I've got what I want. I've packed up everything between you and Xanthus. He's a man and always takes good care of you. You're his sister now, so you should learn to take care of him. Take what you can and leave what you can't. Don't forget, we already have our own belongings where we're going."

It's just for a vacation. When your vacation is over, we'll come back again. These things aren't valuable, and thieves won't bother with them."

"Since you've already thought about it, what else can I say?" Raeleigh stood up and was about to help Xanthus. Before he opened the door and walked out, she looked up and told Raeleigh, "You are the chief automobile designer for the Richards Group. Since you want to resign, you only need to give them a letter. But Jepherson is your immediate superior. He won't approve of it. You need to find someone reliable and get them to take the blame..."

Xanthus paused to look at Raeleigh's face.

Raeleigh had joined the company not too long ago. It would be very difficult for her to request for some time off unless Jepherson favored her.


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