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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1238

"I know. Dinner's ready. Call Madam Jazelle and Miss Raeleigh down for dinner later."

Lamar stood by the window of the room and looked downstairs. He couldn't see anything outside, but Jepherson was still quite a youngster.

However, he was looking for a son-in-law who had nothing to do with the riff-raff.

He was quite unlucky.

Turning around, Lamar went downstairs. A man then came downstairs and stood at the door waiting for him.

"I'm not a warlord. Why are you so afraid of me? We're friends. There's not much to discuss. You help me and I'll give you a reward. It's simple. What do you think?"

Lamar came down step by step, walked towards the couch, and raised his hand to invite the newcomer to sit down.

The man was in a hurry to remove his shoes. He walked towards Lamar, greeted him politely, and then sat down.

"Have you found a clue?" Lamar looked up at the other person. The person thought for a moment and took out the things he found and neatly placed them on the table.

"We've discovered some information, but the question was whether you'll continue investigating," the man said as he took out several more documents and placed them on the table.

Lamar picked up one of them. "The Delia family from Capital City?"

"Yes, the Delia family. The Delia family is also related to the Richards family. However, they haven't been around all these years. Instead, they chose to remain here in A city. Sabrina, the daughter of the Delia family, is married to a son of the Richards family, Norton."

"Norton and Hansen from the Richards family are quite different. Hansen wasn't interested in politics and the military. He was only interested in the business world. His own son didn't intend to join the military or politics."

"However, Norton was handsome and a true master of politics. He was known throughout the world."

"He was considered a legend."

His wife, Sabrina, was a well-known general in the military world, and General Delia only had Sabrina as his only daughter. Wherever his daughter was, he would go to her without hesitation."

"With the Delia family's military assistance, this man, Norton Richards, was like a duck to water."

"This is the crux of this matter. I have completed my investigation. The Delia family also showed up during my search. I mean, it happened in Capital City. It was a coincidence."

Lamar said, "I believe that General Delia has a daughter too."

"Yes," the man said. Lamar placed down the materials in his hand and looked at the other documents. The person opposite from him began to explain.

"The Moore family's status wasn't very well-known at that time, and we couldn't find out their connection to the investigation."

"This is the Matthews family. The family is well-known in Capital City. Christopher and Hansen have a very good relationship. But strangely, at the time you told me about them, the Matthews family had disappeared."


Lamar frowned, and the other person nodded.


Lamar placed down the document in his hand and looked at the other three folders. One of them was the Richards family, another was the Whalen family, and the last one was the Scott family.

"The Whalen family appeared at the time, but Rayan was found to be upright and honorable. Although his background wasn't very clean, he wasn't the type of person who would use such means," the man explained. Lamar laughed. "Of course not, he and I are friends."


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