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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1289

The door opened and Santiago walked in with a sheaf of documents in his hand. As soon as he started speaking, the conference room immediately fell silent. Coupled with his clothes and the way he carried himself, he looked incredibly elegant despite being a man. His posture was more glamorous than a supermodel's and even better than some movie stars. He was the worldwide recognized standard of style and charisma.

Everyone's eyes were glued on Santiago. When he entered the room, he tossed the documents in his hand in front of Jepherson and scoffed, "This is my proof of assignment and all my details and recognitions. I've received 14 international awards as proof of my capabilities. I am now the general manager of the company. I, personally, will oversee Raeleigh. I am not comfortable with anyone else doing so. I'm sure you understand."

After saying that, Santiago looked at Raeleigh with a smile on his face, which shocked her. But now, she realized she was very fortunate because Santiago had finally arrived. She really didn't want Jepherson to be her mentor.

Jepherson looked gloomy. He stared at the

documents in front of him, still as a statue as he refuted, "I don't care about your position, but you've outdone yourself with this joke. Just a few offensive remarks from your sister- in- law here, and you're pulling such a silly stunt. Father and mother would know how to handle you. I'm sure you know better than me."

Santiago chuckled, "Should I prove to you whether she's my girlfriend or not?"

Jepherson's face darkened and he roared, "Get lost!"

Santiago picked up his documents and chucked them into Raeleigh's hands. Crossing his arms over his chest, he said, "I'm heading to the general manager's office to get some work done. I'll need to redecorate the entire room too. When it's ready, Raeleigh will be accompanying me there. In addition to that, I will be at Raeleigh's studio during this period of time. If any of you have any business with me, please find me there."

"Lamarre didn't request for a long leave. Instead, he's submitted his resignation. This is his resignation letter. I have agreed to it and already signed it."

Santiago loosened his grip, throwing the letter in front of Jepherson. He then turned around to grab Raeleigh's wrist and went outside.

As the door closed, everyone was spooked at what had happened. Stella quickly stood up and ran towards Jepherson, saying sweetly, "Jepherson."

"I'm fine. Santiago has never been sensible as a child. He's still immature. Forget it, let's get to work."

Jepherson's expression gradually lightened up. Rising to his feet, he picked up Lamarre's resignation letter. He went around and said, "Do as Mr. Santiago says."

After saying that, he headed outside. Everyone in the room was still stunned. Secretly, the corners of Stella's mouth turned upwards. Finally, she thought, something interesting was about to play out.

The others also left dejectedly and quietly, afraid to cause trouble.

Jepherson walked out of the conference room towards the private elevator. When he entered the elevator, he stood inside and rubbed his forehead wearily. Just then, Stuart called him. The ringing of the fire alarm soon blared right above him as well.

"Sir, Lamarre's office is on fire, there was an explosion."

Stuart really didn't expect Santiago to be such a daredevil to wreak so much chaos, even setting fire to Lamarre's company.

"Get someone to take care of it. I'll head over later. Get the people from Security to inform Raeleigh."

Jepherson put his cell phone down and lowered his head, staring at the soles of his feet.

When he reached the floor that housed Lamarre's office, the elevators door slid open and Jepherson stepped out. There were several people on the floor. When they saw Jepherson approaching, they immediately headed towards him, but the first one to reach him was Stuart.

"Mr. Jepherson."

Jepherson put the staff's safety before anything else, asking, "Is anyone injured?" To which Stuard answered no. Jepherson looked at a staff member who was quickly rescuing some property and added, "It's good that everyone is alright. Just put out the fire first. It could be that some flammable items caused the explosion. Inform the Ministry of State Security about this and perform a security audit on all the departments, right away. This can't happen again."

"Got it."

Several staff members nodded in agreement. It was very clear to them that their vice president wanted to prevent matters from getting out of



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