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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1295

He knew that their baby had wrought a bottomless rift between them.lt was one that was, for all intents and purposes, impossible to bridge. In truth, that gaping crack was best left untouched, so that he would always be reminded of the pain, so much so that it would always lurk in his memory, that he had murdered his little princess.

But what did this woman want? After such a long time together, she still refused to admit that they were meant for each other. She was deeply loved and appreciated.

Neither of them said a word to each other as Raeleigh had drifted off to sleep. Jepherson wasn't sure if he ought to get into another argument with her, but for ages he hadn't felt as real as then.

Even if it was just to watch her sleep peacefully for a moment.

Raeleigh slept soundly for a very long time.

When she woke up, he was no longer in the room. When Raeleigh went to see him again, Xanthus, who was taking her temperature, was sitting in the room.

"You're much better."

Xanthus took the thermometer out of her mouth and looked at it. Raeleigh looked around the room, her reverie still lingered.

She had a fever. She wasn't sure if Jepherson was in her room earlier, or if she had been delirious. She wanted to ask about him but she swallowed her words instead.

"Jepherson came by earlier, but he's already left." Xanthus handed Raeleigh her phone. "He left you a message."

Raeleigh took the phone and looked at the screen. It really was a message from him.

She remembered that his number had been deleted and added to a blacklist. She realized just how capable Jepherson really was. His contact number had been restored and removed from her blocked numbers list.

"I'm going back. I'll tie up the loose ends with the issue regarding Stella as soon as I can. We'll talk about it once I've got it sorted out. You can return to work for now."

It was a brief text message. She deleted it right after she was done reading it. She wanted to delete his number and block him again. But she thought about it for a while and gave up on the idea.

She decided to keep it.

Raeleigh lay down for a little while longer until she felt much better. Then, she got out of bed and went downstairs to have some dinner.

"I can't just go on a hunger strike in bed," she thought.

Xanthus and Raeleigh went down together and heard Santiago in the kitchen. "Are you sure Deanna likes this?"

"She said she wanted to eat them." Jacky washed the potatoes and placed them into a pot. After the potatoes were cooked, Santiago looked at them with a strange look on his face. How was she supposed to eat this?

"Are you going to turn them into mashed potatoes?" Santiago asked.

Jacky glanced at him. "You'll find out in a bit."

Jacky scooped out the cooked potatoes onto a plate and placed a fork beside them. He also brought a bottle of barbeque sauce.

He then stepped out of the kitchen and placed the plate of potatoes on the dining table. Deanna's face looked pale, but she was clean and refreshed. Jacky had also blow-dried her hair.

For the first time in her life, Deanna had learnt that there really were men in the world who were better than her brother and could also act as her personal hairstylist.

Deanna thought this to herself, "Jacky doesn't have a younger sister, so how is he able to do all of this?"

When she saw the potatoes, she drooled and quickly sat down, dressed in her white sportswear. She looked like a snowman. She poked a potato with a fork, and then happily stuffed it into her mouth.

The potatoes were a little hot at first. Deanna blew hastily on them. She then took a small bite and dipped it in some sauce. "Mmm, this is divinity in the shape of a potato."

Jacky turned around and went upstairs. Not long after, he took a hairband and came back down. He stood behind her and tied up her beautiful hair, making her feel even more comfortable.

Deanna didn't mind this at all. She happily ate her delicious potatoes.


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