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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1347

When Raeleigh got to know that something had gone awry, it was already a day later. Raeleigh had a strange feeling when Santiago did not come back. She called Jepherson, who told her that they were looking for Santiago. That was when Raeleigh knew that something was seriously amiss.

"Didn't you get some people to protect Santiago yesterday?"

In response to Raeleigh's question, Jepherson fell silent.

Raeleigh thought it over. "Why didn't you search for him earlier? I told you that something might happen to him. Aren't the two of you brothers?"

Raeleigh never wanted to lose her temper, but sometimes, she could not control it.

In the end, Raeleigh said nothing. She hung up right away.

Jepherson was sitting inside a car. After Raeleigh hung up, he took a look at his phone before his eyes landed on Seibert, who was sitting in front of him. "Still no news regarding Santiago?" "Not yet." Jepherson looked outside. His gaze swirled with chilliness and it grew darker.

"Find him now."

"Yes, sir."

Leaving the ward, Raeleigh made a beeline for Xanthus and told him about Santiago's disappearance. It happened that Hansen and Jenna were both there too. However, as Raeleigh pulled Xanthus aside to inform him about it, Hansen and Jenna did not really know the actual state of affairs. They just took it as a secret between the siblings. Jenna was even struck by how close they were.

"Are you going to look for him?" That was what concerned Xanthus the most.

Raeleigh shook her head. "I won't. I want to meet Jacky."

Xanthus was on the fence. He looked back at the door of Stuart's ward. Although he was alright, somebody had to stay and guard him just in case. It was a critical moment. Anything that transpired might be fatal.

"I need to call Jacky to confirm this and ensure your safety."

Two days ago, Xanthus had asked for Jacky's number from Santiago. At that moment, he did not have any particular plan in doing so. However, it had come in handy, it seemed.

The call was connected. Xanthus walked into another ward while holding Raeleigh's wrist, as though he was afraid that Raeleigh would leave.

There was a hint of drowsiness in Hansen's eyes, but his attitude was absolutely serious.

"They're really close to each other."

Jenna sincerely complimented them. On the other hand, Hansen just snorted.

Jenna turned to look at her husband. "What are you doing?"

Hansen did not reply to her. He looked at Alvin instead and asked, "What happened? Why didn't Santiago come back yesterday?"

"They've failed to locate him. Something must've happened to him.."

Alvin was also involved in the search for Santiago, but to no avail.

Upon hearing that, Jenna's heart skipped a beat. "Santiago's missing?" She thought in astonishment. She wanted to get up, but Hansen held her down and told her, "Lie low. It's nothing. Trust me, okay?"

Hansen looked at his beloved wife and lifted his other hand to hold the back of Jenna's head. Then, he planted a kiss on her forehead. "Trust me, okay?"

Jenna gazed at him. Truth be told, she was more concerned than scared.

However, she felt a pang of guilt when she saw Hansen's reaction.

Maybe the fact that she had always been afraid of her own shadow had frightened him.

Jenna hesitated for a moment. "Got it. I'm fine."

Only then did Hansen let go of his beloved wife. He was fretting over the safety of his youngest son, the apple of his eye. Compared to Jepherson's self- assuredness, Santiago posed more of a cause for concern.

Even though Santiago was not an impulsive and petulant person, he was full of valor. He wouldn't restrain himself from stirring up trouble. For so many years, Hansen had been cosseting that son of his. He had never praised Santiago in front of anyone else. Nevertheless, privately, he babied that son of his even more than he would have done for a delicate daughter.

Now that Santiago had gone missing, regardless if he really had met with trouble, Hansen was on tenterhooks.


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