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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 136

Whatever Jenna had just said was indeed her innermost thoughts and feelings. She finally said it all and Hansen instantly felt cold all over his body.

It turned out that she actually had such an image of him all this while. His love and trust for her turned out to be just venting and humiliating. It turned out that in her mind, he was such a person. It was really a waste of his efforts. The pity and love that rose in his heart disappeared in the blink of an eye. There was only anger and sadness left.

"Very well, you finally admitted the purpose of working for Richards Group, and you finally admitted that you have other plans in mind other than working for the company. Sure enough, I did not misunderstand you. This is ridiculous. You totally let me down." Hansen's face was livid and the blue veins on his forehead were prominent. He clenched his fists hard and he was obviously on the verge of breaking down too.

For the first time, he felt the pain of not being trusted. It was such a waste that he trusted her and cared about her so much; he even entrusted her with all matters of the company. It turned out that her heart was so dark. Now it seemed like his mother was right to be vigilant against her.

Two nights ago, he expected her to repent for her behavior after she took the initiative to speak out. In the past two days, he hoped that she would recognize her mistakes, but what she said just now completely contradicted his original intentions. She actually felt that she was just a plaything to him. How ridiculous was this perception? How completely different was it from his original intentions.

He wanted to turn around and leave, but his heart was reluctant to do so. These days, as long as she disappeared from his sight, his heart would be frightened.

But now.

Her words disappointed him so much.

She was almost driving him crazy.

How could she say such ruthless words.

Jenna stood in front of Hansen who had a gloomy and scary expression. For a moment, she was a little scared, regretting saying such things, as if she had done something wrong. She was a little confused so she stood blankly.

However, did she do anything wrong?

Her dad passed away and it was discovered to be related to Richards Group. Shouldn't she come to investigate what was happening?

So what if she did not tell him about it?

Was their relationship good enough for her to tell him?

Based on the hatred she had for him, as well as how he had defiled her, she was already kind enough to not doubt him. Why should she let him know?

"Let you down? Have you treated me well over the many years? Have you fulfilled the responsibilities and obligations of being a husband? Why should I tell you? What did you give me when I was living in a foreign land and was hungry and cold and alone? Have you ever given me happiness throughout the four years of our marriage? Have you cared about me? I was just a nominal wife and everyone could see that. Am I a fool who's so stupid to tell you, the great Mr. Richards, such insignificant things? Since you looked down on me, why should I ask for such treatment?" Jenna was shaking all over. Since he had already made such a comment about her, she was going all out too. She clenched her fists tightly and her nails sank into her flesh. Her face was distorted in pain, and she spoke word by word, "Me not telling you about it is how I protect myself. Can you give me a reason to tell you everything? Don’t forget, we are already divorced. Who are you to me now?"

Wiping the tears from her face with both hands, there was a sad smile at the corner of her mouth. "To be honest, you are not even qualified to ask me about it. In those years, if Rayan hadn't helped me, maybe I would have died in this land. My life was so petty and low. Even if I lost my dignity, even if it’s just for my mother's illness, I can accept living so humbly, but I also have my dignity. I have done nothing wrong and none of this is my fault. I have never done anything wrong, especially to you. I am a clean woman. Everything that happened three years ago was none of my business. Therefore, please respect me in the future, or I will avenge myself too, ok?"

At the end, she smiled sadly and said coldly, "If I'm really at fault, then it was my fault for marrying you. I have already paid the price for it so please leave me alone."

Tears kept pouring out like beads from a broken necklace. She blew her nose, wiped off the tears, turned her head, and walked back.

The three years she stayed here were also the years where she worked extremely hard. It made her understand a lot of things, which made her return to Richards Group, even though she would be humiliated. Nevertheless, this did not mean that she could be bullied, and it did not mean that she needed to suffer his tantrum. All the evidence now showed that her father's death was indeed related to the car from Richards Group. She did nothing wrong so she did not need to leave so humbly.

Just like all the previous incidents that he had encountered with her, Hansen calmed down and kept quiet. He calmly and silently listened to all of Jenna's words, and pain flashed across his eyes.

"Stop." He reached out and grabbed Jenna's hand. She was about to leave. He shouted in a low voice.

Jenna's hand was held by his powerful big hand and she could not move at all. She smiled sadly, and closed her eyes in pain.

"In your eyes, I am a wicked person who killed your father. Is there nothing else but this? Is this also the reason you have been pretending to flatter me these days?" He asked in a deep voice while staring at her. "Have you ever cared about me? Have you ever loved me?"

He just wanted to verify this. Everything she said was very clear and he understood it, but now, he wanted to figure out some things so that he knew what choice he should be making next.

Did she love him? Jenna never thought that he would ask her this.


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