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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1372

Speaking of simplicity, Raeleigh did not know what size the bed actually was. It was too big to be a single bed, yet too small to be a double bed. She doubted two adults could sleep comfortably on it. It seemed perfect to accommodate just an adult and a kid.

Squeezed to one side of the bed, Raeleigh was extremely uncomfortable. There was a chair in the room which Raeleigh could sit on for the time being, but it would also get uncomfortable after a while.

She laid there for some time, after which she got up to check on the drip inserted into Santiago's arm. Raeleigh pulled the needle out before laying back down on the chair.

Santiago suddenly turned over and reached out to pull Raeleigh over. She was caught by surprise and jumped when she felt his touch. However, Santiago's strong arms pulled her back insistently.

"I'm really weak now. If you don't take care of me, I might die."

Santiago deliberately said that to frighten Raeleigh. Raeleigh believed it initially, but when she turned around to look at him, she noticed that he was trying hard to hold back his laugh. Raeleigh bolted up and hit Santiago, fuming with anger.

Even more irritatingly, Santiago suddenly burst out guffawing.

Raeleigh raised a hand, about to hit him again, but she couldn't bring herself to when she saw how pale his face was. After all, he was not well. Thus, Raeleigh retracted her hand.

"Why did you stop?" Santiago asked. Raeleigh got off the bed and questioned instead, "Are you still feeling unwell?"

Santiago shook his head. Raeleigh could tell that he was lying.

Usually, a sick person would be sluggish and barely able to keep their eyes open.

That was Santiago at the moment.

"Give me a few minutes. I'll go and make you something to eat."

Raeleigh did not wait for a reply; she left the room. She wasn't going to stick around to entertain his nonsense. Sometimes, talking to Santiago was to like talking to a brick wall. He just would not listen, just like Jepherson. There was no point wasting time to explain things to them because nothing she said could change their minds. It was best not to say anything.

Just as Raeleigh exited the room, Jacky emerged from the bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and was currently drying off his hair with another towel. Raeleigh let out a shriek when she saw him.

Jacky paused for a moment and gave Raeleigh a strange look.

At that moment, Santiago also came out of the room. When he saw Jacky as well as the shocked look on Raeleigh's face, he quickly pulled Raeleigh into his arms and physically shielded her from Jacky. He put his hands over her head and asked, "Jacky, do you have a death wish?"

Jacky looked down at his own body while drying off his hair. Then, he turned around silently and put on some clothes. He continued drying his hair as he walked towards the sofa to take a seat.

Santiago turned around to check on Raeleigh before letting her go. Reaching out, he gently tipped her head back by her chin. However, Raeleigh pushed his hand away. After she composed herself, she said, "I'm fine. I was a just little shocked to see Jacky coming out of the bathroom."

It wasn't that Raeleigh had never seen a half-naked person before. It was just that she totally forgot that Jacky was also in the house. That was why she screamed. Raeleigh did not expect that it would lead to trouble.

Santiago turned to glare at Jacky. "Why did you take a shower?"

"Am I not allowed to take a shower in my house?"

After Jacky finished drying off his hair, he swiftly tossed the towel aside. He didn't meet Santiago's gaze, to avoid a fight from breaking out.

From a male's perspective, Jacky had indeed crossed the line that day. If it was Deanna who had seen Santiago half-naked, Jacky would have been unhappy as well. He would have probably bashed Santiago up.

Raeleigh stood aside, sensing the tension in the room. The one thing she knew with certainty was that Santiago was pissed at Jacky.

"I'm going to cook. I could use a hand, Santiago." Worried that Santiago would pick a fight with Jacky, Raeleigh invited him along to the kitchen. They went to the kitchen, upon which Raeleigh stood there in shock. There was no food at all there.

Raeleigh searched through the cupboards, but she could not find anything.

"I'll go out and get some food. Why don't you head back to bed?"

Raeleigh felt that it was best that Santiago went back into the room. He was sick so Raeleigh did not want him to get injured again. But then again, if he stayed there, he might start a fight with Jacky. Thus, it was safest if Santiago just rested in bed.


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