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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1381

Marissa's action got everyone directing their gaze at her. However, she only looked at Raeleigh and Xanthos and said, "The Richards family is noble; we won't accept a wh*re into our family. Now bring your friend and get lost."

"Mom, what are you doing?" Before Jepherson could say anything, Hansen refuted as she had crossed the line.

Hadn't his mother figured it all out yet?

It was not Raeleigh that insisted on marrying into their family, but Jepherson insisted on marrying her.

She threw a look at her son with a tense face and said, "Our family is highly reputable; not just about any woman can marry into our family."

"I'm sure Jerry's clear what kind of person Raeleigh is; she doesn't need you telling who she is and isn't. After all, you're not the one kissing Raeleigh; how would you know whether she's good or bad?"

Hansen's words got Raeleigh stumped. What future father-in-law would put things that way?

She then snuck a peek at Jenna, who didn't seem to care at all, but who knew what she was thinking.

Jepherson wrapped Raeleigh's hand in his and said, "I do know."

"Since you do, leave with her then, lest things escalate in such a late night. Since grandmother doesn't like Raeleigh, no need to bring her here so often; stay in Green Jade Garden."


With that, Jepherson stood up and escorted Raeleigh to the door, making small talk and putting the coat on her as they left.

Jepherson's eyes were filled with happiness. Now that his father had saved his pride, he would leave the rest to him.

"All of you are trying to bully me, aren't you?" Marissa roared at his son. However, Hansen glanced at Stella. "Stella, Jenna and I watched you grow up. You're a great child, but I'm afraid our family doesn't have the good fortune to have you as one of us."

Then he turned to Marissa and said, "Jerry told me that you've been in poor health recently and would be moody sometimes. I thought I could have a chat with you when I come back, but now it seems unnecessary."

With that, he glanced at Jenna. "What did I tell you? This isn't a matter that will subside with patience and compromise, but you wouldn't listen. Look how things have turned out. Let's go."

He grabbed Jenna by her hand and took her away.

Meanwhile, Xanthus and Raeleigh were also walking toward Green Jade Garden. Jenna, on the other hand, wasn't upset when she came out as she knew her husband's thoughts after being by his side for so many years.

Nevertheless, she was still a little worried. She had offended her mother-in-law this time anyhow; the road ahead was still long. What should she do?

Jenna shook her head as she walked. On seeing her downhearted expressions, Hansen held her hand tightly and gave her a pinch. With a dull pain in her head, she turned to look at her husband. "What is it?"

"We're here." Hansen led her into Green Jade Garden. The servants were already at the opened door, waiting.

"Prepare supper for us."

All that fuss got Hansen hungry.

"You're eating at this late hour?"


Jenna asked; Hansen replied.

Jenna thought for a moment and told the servant,

"Don't worry about it; leave him to me."

After that, Jenna went to the kitchen and prepared food for her husband.

The doctor said the number one thing to avoid for older people was to eat supper. However, Hansen had developed a habit of having something late at night in recent years.

All the undigested food stored in his body caused a burden and led to illnesses with time.

However, no matter how she dissuaded, he would not listen. After all, he was hungry.


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