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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 141

With a "puff", Jenna was amused by his words. Although it was ridiculous, his words were heartwarming. He really warmed her heart, and there was no more hurt.

Jenna had to admit that this was the best promise that she had ever heard. She was almost unsure and could not believe it. Hence, she stopped, took Hansen's hand and asked, "Hansen, is it true? Is what you say true? That you will stay by my side forever?"

She looked up at him with her small, surprised face and stared at him, expecting him to say yes. Her voice was so loud, for fear that Hansen could not hear her.

Everyone passing by the road looked at them. Those who didn't understand Tamberland language found them strange, and those who could understand their conversation gave them friendly smiles.

Hansen was infected by her enthusiasm. He laughed and responded loudly, "Honey, of course this is true. Since when have I lied to you?"

He suddenly bowed his head and kissed her passionately. He wanted to show her his answer with his actions. After a long time, he picked her up and swung her around mid-air.

Jenna felt like she was in the sky, spinning quickly. She floated up and saw a sky full of stars. They were so bright and beautiful, filling her heart with joy.

They both laughed happily.

Their plane flew through the clouds. After the trip in Hawaii that lasted a few days, Hansen and Jenna finally embarked on a flight back to A City.

The closer they got to A City, the faster Jenna's heartbeat became. It was not until Hansen held her hand tightly that she calmed down slowly, but somehow, her heart still felt uncomfortable.

The two of them interlocked their hands and were very close. Hansen didn't care whether there was any media personnel around, and he continued to hold her intimately, which made her feel very touched.

"Hansen, I want to go to the hospital to see my mother first," she leaned against Hansen's arm and put her head to Hansen's ear and whispered. She had been away for many days, thus she was very worried about her mother. The anxious feeling became more obvious as time passed.

"Okay, I'll go with you," Hansen responded readily and thoughtfully.

"Thank you." Jenna smiled happily.

"Honey, this is what I should do." Hansen patted her hand and gave her a friendly smile.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Jenna put her face on his shoulder and smiled crookedly.

"Silly woman," Hansen muttered and smiled secretly in his heart. She became so happy after getting her little request fulfilled. She was easy to please and was easily satisfied.

He only thought about it in his heart as he held her tightly.

The plane soon landed at the airport in A City.

Hansen took Jenna through the passage and walked out of the airport.

Shortly after getting off the plane, his phone started to ring fiercely.

Hansen frowned, took out the phone from his pocket, swiped the screen, and answered the call.


"Mr. Richards, I have bad news. Something's happened to Alvin," as soon as he answered the call, the voice on the other end of the phone came through. It was anxious, uneasy, and nervous.

"What, explain what you mean." Hansen was startled. His face changed and he yelled in a deep voice, but his heart sank.

"Mr. Richards, Alvin was attacked in a basement parking lot just now. He was shot in the chest and is now in a coma. He is now in a dangerous condition and he's bleeding a lot," the male voice explained anxiously over the phone.

What! Hansen's breathing paused, and his face turned pale. Alvin was his right-hand man and had worked for him for a couple of years. He had to stay fine and healthy! The cold light in his deep eyes was like sharp lightning. He looked up to see Jenna looking at him nervously, so he turned to the other side and continued the phone conversation. "Quickly, send him to the hospital for emergency treatment. He must be fine. I'll be there soon," he almost snarled with his hurried tone. There was a burst of discomfort in his heart. Alvin was his right arm and was a very capable person. If he was gone, Hansen would lose his strong support.

Jenna saw Hansen's serious expression, and he walked away from her. Knowing that he didn't want her to hear what he was saying, she stopped following him while trying to guess who was the one that had called him. Seconds later, she saw Hansen end the phone call and stride toward her.

"Jenna, I'm in a bit of a hurry. I can't accompany you to see your mother in the hospital. I'll be there another day. You go to the hospital by yourself, and then go directly back to Richards Manor. There is a car outside to pick you up," Hansen hurriedly spoke to her, then turned and strode away.

Jenna's heart skipped a beat. What had happened? She had never seen Hansen this anxious and nervous before. Although he kept it from her and did not let her listen in on the call, she knew that something serious must have happened or Hansen would not be this nervous.

What could it be?


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