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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1427

After a long conversation, Scarlette talked bad about Xanthus in a roundabout way. Raeleigh ended the phone call when she'd heard enough. If she allowed Scarlette to continue, she'd probably make Xanthus out to be some wicked villain.

She put down the phone and looked at him. "Scarlette bears no ill intention."

There were only the two of them in the living room, so it was quiet. He must have heard their conversation.

He put down the magazine and looked at her. "I know that, but when are you going to stop hiding things from her?"

"Let's wait a little longer. Perhaps I'll tell them in the future, but it would be better that they don't know about it for now."

Raeleigh was a little blue. This wasn't the toughest part. The hardest part was how she was supposed to ask for permission to go to the wedding.


She hesitated for a long time before she spoke. How could Xanthus not know what she was thinking?

"She's your friend, so it's natural for you to agree. But what if you encounter danger there?"

"I will be careful." She couldn't possibly ask Scarlette to hold her wedding here because she was in danger.

Xanthus stood up and got them both some fruits before sitting down again. He sniffed at the fruits. "You can go, but as my fiancee."

Raeleigh fixed her eyes on him. "What are you going to do if someone misunderstands?"

"If you're not afraid, what am I afraid of?"

He laughed and turned to tell their parents about this. She lay on the sofa and watched him go back upstairs, feeling like an excited child who was waiting for permission. Her heart was in turmoil, and she did not know if her parents would agree.

She didn't know what he'd told their parents, but after more than an hour, he came back downstairs and nodded at her, letting her know that they'd agreed.

Raeleigh flipped onto her back and leaned against the sofa while Xanthus walked over to look at her. "Any questions?"

"Yeah, a lot. How'd you get them to agree?" She felt confused.

He patted her on the head. "They would've agreed even if you were the one asking. They're not as rigid as you think. They just want someone to guarantee that you'll be safe and sound and back in one piece."

"I can't guarantee my own safety, though. Since you were the one making the guarantee, you're going back with me?" Raeleigh understood what was happening. She wouldn't be going back there on her own.

He put his hands on his hips. "Looks like my little sister isn't that stupid after all."

"I'm not stupid at all. It just seems that way in comparison with you."

"So am I smart, or are you just pretending to be stupid?"

Raeleigh didn't respond. She suddenly thought of something and went upstairs to see Novalie.

Seeing that it was Raeleigh, Novalie knew that she had something to ask, so she turned off the TV. She couldn't really understand the programs anyway, as they were all in a foreign language. This was the worst part about being in another country. If it weren't for the internet, Novalie would probably be bored out of her mind.

"What's wrong? Are you leaving?" Novalie asked. Raeleigh felt a little embarrassed and asked, "How'd you know?" "Well, I know everything. Now that your heart isn't here, how can you leave your body here for long?" "It's good for you to go, anyway. No matter what happened in the past, it doesn't have anything to do with him. It hasn't been easy for you two to get to where you are, so you should really appreciate what you have."

"Grandma, how are you able to take everything so lightly? Aren't you worried about me?"

"I am, of course, but there's no use in worrying, is there? I could tie you down, but you're bound to fly away someday. It's better for me to set you free and learn how to fly properly. Perhaps you'll reach heights that are greater than expected."


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