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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1474

Zorion woke up but did not see Santiago's car. He asked the driver, "Where's Mr. Santiago?"

"He went to visit Mr. Jepherson. He left about 30 minutes ago. I heard that he was asked to go over to the police station. The restaurant manager decided to file a lawsuit against Mr. Santiago for mistreating the employees. In addition, someone also reported a suspected murder and it all points toward Mr. Santiago."

"Alright." Zorion thought for a moment. "Has Jepherson woken up yet?"

"Yes, he's already awake." The driver was told that Jepherson had regained consciousness.

"Let's head over to the hospital then." Zorion stretched briefly before leaning back in his seat. He took out his phone and called his father, Rayan.

At this time, Rayan was still asleep. He briefly exchanged a few words with his son before hanging up.

Rayan went to sit on the chair and drank a glass of water. Hannah couldn't fall asleep and got up. She walked over to Rayan and asked him what had happened. Rayan said it was nothing and that he had trouble falling asleep because he had drink some tea before sleeping.

Hannah sighed and asked Rayan, "Are you worried about Zorion?"

Rayan poured a glass of water for his wife. "Zorion is not a child anymore. I don't have to worry about him. Career-wise, I have nothing more to teach him. Everything else, he'll have to learn on his own. I don't think I've been a good father."

"Why do you make it sound as if we don't have a good relationship with our kids? I personally feel that you've done well as their father," Hannah said proudly.

Rayan smiled and said, "I'm really lucky to have met you, but I've done things in the past which I'm not proud of."

Rayan held Hannah's hand, feeling an unspeakable sense of guilt.

"It's all the past. Why are you bringing this up now? It's late. I think the reason why you can't fall asleep is because you're overthinking. Come on, let's go." Hannah reached out for her husband's hand and pulled him back to bed.

By the time Zorion arrived at the hospital, it was already eight in the evening. He made his way into the hospital with Rossie and went straight up to the ICU to visit Raeleigh and Jepherson.

Raeleigh had woken up, but her body was still weak. Jepherson, on the other hand, looked perfectly fine except for his pale face.

Raeleigh felt a wave of guilt wash over her. She owed it to Jepherson this time.

Jepherson was drinking a bowl of soup.

Zorion happened to enter the room with his men while Jepherson was drinking his soup.

When Jepherson saw Zorion, he stopped drinking the soup. He reached out for a piece of tissue and wiped his mouth before inviting them to sit down. Jepherson asked, "Is Santiago at the police station?"

"Yes, but I am afraid that this matter is a little complicated. I have a feeling that the group of people weren't actually targeting you and Raeleigh. I think they were targeting Santiago.

The Richards family is now under public scrutiny now. I don't think you will be able to shrug this matter off without a reasonable explanation."

Raeleigh was confused. "Why are they targeting Santiago?"

Zorion sat down. He didn't answer immediately. It was Jepherson who spoke instead.

"Santiago didn't have a good reputation. Although he hasn't committed any crimes, he did provoke a lot of troubles. The Richards family is like a big tree with deep roots. It's not easy to take us down. Their plan is to make Santiago a scapegoat and get the rest of the Richards family involved as well.

If the Richards family meddled with this matter, it would mean that Santiago is guilty and I'm sure the public will not let us off the hook. If the Richards family did not interfere, Santiago would definitely have to go to jail.

Everything has been well-thought-out. The person who's behind this is definitely not your average Joe.

This person probably knows Santiago very well and is familiar with our routine. Otherwise, how would he be able to predict Santiago's next move?

That day at the restaurant, you didn't eat much and they had prepared some soup. They roughly knew that I would ask you to have some soup instead.

They know it's impossible to kill Santiago with all the people around him, but it's very easy to make use of him.

Only a shrewd person would be able to come up with such an idea.

However, this does not look like Yanora's doing."

Jepherson looked at Zorion, who asked, "Are you saying that it's Colston?"


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