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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1495

Raeleigh asked Trevor, "Did something happen to you when you went there?"

Trevor snapped back to reality and looked at Raeleigh. "Things went very well when we went to get the goblet. Nothing happened. Moreover, the other party was a very open-minded person. After what I said, he was willing to let us have it.

"In the end, we got the bronze goblet at a relatively reasonable price.

"Then, I gave it to my friend, who promised to go and save the child tomorrow.

"Unfortunately, he suddenly fell ill that night and was hospitalized for appendicitis.

"My friend had arranged to meet the kidnappers the next day, so I had to go in his stead.

"At that time, I didn't think much about it. All I thought about was saving his child. That was the most important thing.

"However, I didn't expect that the kidnappers would grab me when I got there. They even smashed the bronze goblet I brought, telling me that it was a fake.

"Back then, I was still in that field so I knew a little about the bronze wares from that time.

"I didn't believe them when they told me it was a fake. I argued with them, but they insisted that I lied to them and wanted to kill me.

"I was worried that something would happen to my friend's child. I wanted the kidnappers to stay calm. They told me that I could leave as long as I handed over the real bronze goblet.

"But I didn't have anything else with me. I only had the goblet I brought.

"They weren't willing to let the child go, nor did they want money. They only wanted the bronze ware.

"Suddenly, my wife called me. They took my phone away and spoke to her.

"As a result, my wife immediately took action and asked them what they wanted. They said that they wanted the real bronze goblet. My wife first went to look for my friend to find out everything that had happened. Then, she called me again, but this time it wasn't me that answered the phone.

"My wife has always been shrewd. When she spoke to them on the phone, she asked them what would happen if she found the real goblet but they insisted that it was a fake."

"They said they needed to get it appraised by someone. She asked who would appraise it.

"They said they wanted the best, which were Lamar Osteen and his wife."

Trevor closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. Raeleigh suddenly asked, "Was it..."

"Let me finish." Trevor did not want to be interrupted. He continued, "My wife agreed, but she wanted to take back the goblet I had brought. They didn't agree at first. After a long negotiation, she finally managed to get it back.

"By then, my friend was very upset because he didn't know whether it was fake or not.

"My friend racked his brains and finally decided to take a risk. He got a batch of fake bronze wares and put them together. Then, he asked the Osteen couple to identify which of those were the fake ones.

"My friend also vowed not to trouble my family anymore about that matter. They would hunt for it personally.

"However, they didn't succeed. My wife was anxious to save me, so she finally targeted Lamar's wife, dazelie's, baby.

"After Jazelle gave birth, the kidnappers wanted Marissa to give them the baby in exchange for me. When the Osteen couple signed the appraiser's report, the baby would be returned.

"My wife is someone eager for quick success and benefits, and she does not care about others' feelings. But being married for more than ten years, I knew very well that my wife was not a heartless person. The baby was still so little, so she would not harm her.

"It's just that she had to take risks for my sake.

"However, not long after she took the baby, my wife met a group of people who snatched the baby from my wife's arms.

"My wife was also stunned, and she was also injured.


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