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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1505

"Jepherson..." What happened was too sudden. As Raeleigh hadn't expected Xanthus to punch Jepherson, his action gave the fright of her life. Meanwhile, Jepherson did not dodge at all, and Xanthus's fist landed firmly on his face. As Xanthus used all his strength, his punch made Jepherson take two steps back.

Immediately, Raeleigh ran in to check on Jepherson.

There was blood on the corner of his mouth.

Raeleigh held Jepherson's face. "Why didn't you dodge?"

Jepherson threw a glance at Raeleigh. "He's your brother. Am I supposed to fight him?"

Stumped, Raeleigh pursed her lips. Though Jepherson was hit, her heart ached.

Xanthus entered the room, gnashing his teeth as he waved his fist, ready to hit again. Raeleigh immediately held Jepherson in her arms; she did not say anything, and that was all she could do.

Xanthus put his hand down and said coldly, "Remember, Raeleigh's the reason you didn't die today."

After that, Xanthus left, and Raeleigh chased after him. Meanwhile, Jepherson wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took a look at it before changing his clothes, and went out.

At this time, Raeleigh stood looking at her brother, who was sitting on the sofa. He glanced at her and said, "Sit down."

As Raeleigh sat down on one side, Xanthus looked at her with a calm expression. Seeing she hesitated to speak, Xanthus spoke up, "At least he knows he's lucky when he got you for nothing. If he doesn't treat you well, I will give him a piece of my mind. Also, give me your marriage certificate only then I'll consider you two married. Otherwise, don't even think about it."

Xanthus's train of thought got Raeleigh stumped for a second; she couldn't keep up with it. "He's hidden the certificate away."

"Then take it out." Xanthus wasn't going to take no for an answer.

At that moment, Jepherson came out in his pajamas. "The marriage certificate is Raeleigh and mine; you can't have it."

"If you don't give it to me, don't think about leaving with Raeleigh." Xanthus looked up at Jepherson with a fathomless gaze; it was the only right he could fight for his sister as a brother.

Jepherson's lips twitched. "There's no way I'd give you my marriage certificate."

"Do you think you can tie Raeleigh down just like this? I can have her go anywhere I want her to because I'm her brother, related by blood, while you are just her husband."

"You are too selfish."

"Yes, I am. What about you?"

The two were neck and neck, and Raeleigh didn't know who to help. However, she looked at Jepherson and said, "What are you afraid of?"

"Even if I'm not, I can't give my marriage certificate to others."

With that, she didn't know what else to say.

She believed a marriage certificate could solve nothing.

Instead, Xanthus said, "If you don't want to, then forget it. You're sleeping with Raeleigh today, and don't even think about taking her away."

"You can't do this."

"And you can take Raeleigh to A City and get a marriage certificate secretly?"

Jepherson fell silent at that.

Seeing that the argument wouldn't escalate into a brawl, Raeleigh went to get some ice from the kitchen to put it on Jepherson's bruise. Then she looked at her brother and husband before saying, "Well, the certificate is not with me regardless. Whichever one of you wants it, take it. I'm going to bed."

With that, she went to her room, leaving Jepherson to stand aside with anger on his face. "I'll give it to you tomorrow."

After saying so, he followed Raeleigh, but Xanthus stopped him, saying, "You're sleeping in my room. You can only sleep with her after I see the certificate tomorrow."

Raeleigh heard Xanthus's order at the doorway of her room.

Hearing that, she headed back into her room.

Jepherson could forget about going to her room that night.

Sure enough, Jepherson did not enter her room that night, but he didn't go to Xanthus's room to rest either but sat beside Xanthus the whole night.

In the morning, Raeleigh came out of her room to see Jepherson still lying in the living room, and so was Xanthus.


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