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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 155

How could he do such a thing? He had cheated on Jenna!

That thought immediately appeared in his mind, and his whole body couldn't help but shudder.

"Hansen, you are so good in bed, but you really make me feel pain now," Aria said as she leaned against his chest and embraced him. Her face was so shy yet satisfied, and she looked at him affectionately, with pleasure and a little shyness in her eyes.

Hansen stood up suddenly. His face was pale. He said, "Aria, admit it. I didn't ask you out last night. I was going to meet Jenna."

Aria's face immediately turned dark. She took the quilt and wrapped it around her body. Tears started to well up in her big eyes and she burst into tears. "Hansen, I know you like Jenna and you don't love me, but yesterday, you slept with me. Don't worry, I won't blame you. I was willing because I love you very much. I am willing to give you everything. I will not force you to be responsible for me in the future."

Aria started sobbing in pain while she talked. She changed clothes while trembling and looked extremely aggrieved. Her tears started to flow down her cheeks without stopping.

Hansen was very upset now. The heat in his body was still annoying him. Aria's aggrieved appearance put him at a loss. What was going on? How could this happen? He was too confused at the moment so he rushed into the bathroom, turned on the cold water shower, and let the water sober him up.

The icy cold water poured down from the top of his head all the way down, and the chill immediately hit his limbs. The heat in his body gradually subsided, and he slowly remembered what happened the night before.

The night before, he seemed to be drunk after drinking Norton's glass of red wine. He was drunk and lost his consciousness, but he heard a gunshot before he fell asleep.

He opened his eyes suddenly and trembled.

Jenna, where was Jenna?

He made an appointment with her the night before, and she came to the hotel when the gun was fired. Did anything happen to her?

Thinking about that, Hansen was completely stunned. After a while, he was scared. He hurriedly wrapped himself in a towel and rushed out to find his phone.

Aria had left.

This made him relieved.

She didn't pester him this time, nor did she want him to be responsible for her in the future. It made him feel a little embarrassed this time.

But did he actually want to have s*x with her the night before? And did he even want it so badly?

D*mn! He hit the wall hard but he didn't remember anything. There seemed to be a woman's body wrapped around him in his blurry mind, and he felt so hot, but he had no memory.

But the fact was that ...

Aria had laid on Hansen's body naked. Her body was full of bruises and hickeys. Those things won't be there for no reason. Besides, what would happen to a woman who got entangled with him like this? Everyone knew what had happened!


Hansen became more annoyed the more he thought about it. Besides, he couldn't find his mobile phone anywhere.

So he had no choice but to pick up the landline in the room, dial his own phone, and it was connected after a while.

"Hello," There came a tired female voice from the other end. Hansen's heart jumped wildly when he heard this voice. It was Jenna who picked up the phone. He was surprised and delighted.

"Jenna, is that you?" he asked in a low voice.

Jenna heard Hansen's voice. Her eyes immediately lit up.

When she first got up, the phone rang. She saw that it was an unknown phone number but still picked up, but there came a female voice from the other end, so she just hung up the phone without a second thought.

Then the phone rang again several times in a row, then finally the female on the other end stopped calling. That was kind of mysterious to her.

She stared at the phone in a daze. It so happened that the phone rang again after a while. This time it was Hansen. She was pleasantly surprised and asked urgently, "Hansen, where were you last night? How are you?"

"Jenna, I'm fine. How about you?" Hansen asked immediately.

At the same time, they remembered the gunshots in the hotel the night before. They seemed to be worried about each other. After they knew that they were both okay, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jenna, why is my phone with you?" He asked with a little surprise. He really couldn't figure out what was

going on.

"Hansen, this is hard to explain in simple words. Where are you? Let's meet up and I'll tell you about it after we meet." Jenna got up, ready to change and find Hansen.

However, Hansen on the other end of the line was silent for a while and then he said, "No, Jenna. You should go back to the company first. I will go back to the company later. Let's talk about it when we meet."

After speaking, Hansen hung up the phone.

Jenna stood there, disappointed for a while, and hurriedly walked to the bathroom to wash up.

After a while, she carried her small bag and went out. As soon as she walked out of the entrance of Green Jade Garden, she saw Aria coming from in front. She was not dressed properly and her face looked so tired, but she looked so energetic at the same time. She even flashed a smug smile when she saw Jenna.

"Jenna, good morning," she said and smiled brightly.

Jenna felt annoyed at seeing her here. She furrowed her brow, but she still lifted the corners of her mouth and said faintly: "Good morning."

Jenna didn't stop while greeting her back. Instead, she just walked past her and continued walking.


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