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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 164

Throughout dinner, Jenna's appetite was poor.

Hansen changed his tastes to get Jenna to eat something, and it became more and more strange. He used to dislike some things, but because Jenna liked to eat them, he changed preferences accordingly.

"Hansen, where are we going?" After eating, Jenna saw that the car was not heading in the direction of Richards Manor, but in an unfamiliar direction. Jenna was surprised and hurriedly asked.

Hansen had a warm smile on his face but he remained silent.

Jenna was startled by the warm smile on his face, and soon realized something. Her face flushed slightly.

The car quickly stopped in front of a luxurious vacation villa.

The hotel staff greeted them immediately.

Hansen opened the car door and walked to the side to help Jenna open the car door. He extended his hand to her.

Jenna gave him her hand.

Hansen took her hand, exerting slightly more force, almost lifting Jenna up.

"Park the car." Hansen took out a few hundred dollars and threw them at the young man who came forward to help park the car. Hansen gently embraced Jenna's thin waist with his right hand, and lovingly embraced her in his arms. They then went straight up in the elevator.

"We won't go home today. We will spend the night here," Hansen whispered softly, hugging Jenna tightly.

Jenna's face blushed slightly. She stuck close to Hansen. Her long eyelashes fluttered and she had a little shy smile making her look bashful.

In the exquisite and luxurious hotel room, Hansen closed the door right after they entered. Hansen's two soft lips covered Jenna's bright and full lips. The atmosphere was as hot as fire.

His lips were like fire, and they moved across every inch of her skin.

The undercurrent in Jenna's body was raging like waves, full of passion, igniting every cell in her body.

She just wanted to release herself and give him the most beautiful things.

They were inseparable in the moment. Since she was in love with him, she must release everything so that he would never leave her. That was the natural possessiveness of human nature.

Jenna began to wrap her arms around Hansen's neck. She pressed against him softly and kissed him passionately.

After receiving Jenna's response, Hansen was ecstatic. Their kiss deepened, and he clasped her waist tightly.

At that moment, they forgot everything except their passion for each other.

Gradually, getting dissatisfied with just kissing, they began to take off each other's clothes, breathing hard.

Even in the process of undressing, they were lingering with each other, kissing each other deeply, never separating.

Occasionally when their clothes caught something, Hansen would curse "D*mn" in a low voice, wriggle a little helplessly, and then quickly press his lips onto Jenna's lips, sinking deeper and deeper into the sensual pool.

There seemed to be thousands of flames in his body. Hansen felt that he was about to be melted, and if he couldn't release it, he would be burnt to ashes.

Hansen held her tightly, picked her up, and walked towards the bed.

The woman under his body was as soft as a sponge, and she couldn't escape as long as Hansen held onto her.

Jenna's hair was spread out on the snow-white sheets, and her snowy skin was as shiny as a porcelain. However, the porcelain was clustered with red marks, which made his throat dry.

Another kind of inexplicable sadness rose quietly in his heart, and the love which he stored up made his body burn faster.

Hansen led Jenna into another time and space.

Time and space that only belonged to them.

There, they released themselves wholeheartedly. The woman's body has long since turned to water.

And the passion and love of the man vented like a storm.

"Jenna, promise me that no matter what you encounter, you must trust me and believe in my love for you, okay?11 When they both climbed to the deepest part of the clouds, Jenna heard Hansen's magnetic voice. The voice sounded like it came from a distant cloud in an open space. It sounded like humble begging, and it seemed like there was a touch of pain.

Jenna was in a trance. She felt like she was in a phantom cloud, with colorful lights in front of her. She didn't have the mind to understand the meaning of his words, and she couldn't think of anything. In that situation, she couldn't think about anything at all as Hansen's wet lips looted on her, and soon, they entered a deeper level of love.

That night was quiet and peaceful. Moonlight leaked through the curtains like running water, and the air was full of sweetness like honey, so warm and intoxicating.

It was the best night in the world. Who would be willing to give up such a beautiful day?

Indulge, again and again.

Ask for it, again and again.

It felt like the Love Bridge, which would be disconnected after that night, and nobody knew when their next reunion would be, or it might be the last.

Full of sorrow, yet addictive. One couldn't decide whether to die for it or live for it, and the feeling would linger forever.

The two fell into a deep sleep, and when they woke up, the bed was messy and unsightly.


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