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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 182

"My dear daughter, it is tough for a woman to carry a child. You have to bear it for now. Why hasn't Hansen come back? Shouldn't he as your husband accompany you more when you are pregnant?" Georgia was unhappy to see her daughter feeling unwell and she began to complain.

At this time, Marissa could only smile and ordered people to bring all kinds of things that Aria liked to eat.

Aria was like a favored doll, so treasured and immersed in all kinds of love.

"Hansen is also very inconsiderate. Today is Aria's birthday and she is pregnant. Even so, I don't see him coming back. No matter how busy he is at work, he should take some time off for her," Georgia nagged, annoyed.

When Jenna walked in, Aria had just finished vomiting and was whining uncomfortably.

Marissa and Georgia were fidgeting around her.

No one except for a few servants in the living room saw Jenna come in. Their jaws dropped to the ground as they whispered to each other and stared at her.

"Hurry up and take out the birthday cake, champagne, and some fruits. When Young Master comes back, this birthday celebration will begin." Dahlia had her back to Jenna hence she did not see her quietly walk in. Dissatisfied, she shouted at the servants who stood still, seemingly in a daze.

It turned out that it was Aria's birthday. No wonder the fancy decorations!

A mocking smile appeared on Jenna's face. She saw Marissa busy helping Aria. After thinking about it, she turned around and walked upstairs.

"Ms. McAdams, look, a shameless woman just came in." Just as Jenna wanted to go upstairs unnoticed, Minnie caught sight of her and screamed.

It was this cry that shocked everyone and their eyes all turned toward Jenna.

The moment they fixed their eyes on her, they were all frozen to the spot.

The living room became quiet, so quiet that they could hear the sound of a needle falling to the ground.

Jenna immediately felt their gaze piercing through her like needles. Their stares made her skin crawl as if they were about to swallow her alive.

Biting her lip, she forced a smile and politely greeted Marissa before turning around to leave.

"Marrisa, why has this woman not moved away? Didn't Hansen send her away? Why did she come back?" Georgia questioned Marissa, seemingly unsatisfied with what she saw.

Marissa smiled awkwardly and parted her lips but she couldn't come up with anything.

"Since Grandma Richards has agreed to their marriage, Aria will be Hansen's wife. We are nobles. There is definitely no room for peasants like her in this family. How embarrassing if this news spreads out." Georgia's face turned dark, her voice full of arrogance. She couldn't wait to throw Jenna out immediately.

Jenna stood with her eyebrows furrowed and she stared at Georgia coldly. She wanted to see what Georgia would do.

"Young Madam, are you back?" Aunt Ella came out of the kitchen and saw what was going on. Everyone present was afraid of Aria's power and dared not approach Jenna. It was rumored that Vivian agreed to the marriage between Aria and Hansen. Jenna was clearly at a disadvantage. The servants would not dare to serve her openly, for fear that it would offend Aria and lead them to punishment.

Aunt Ella had disliked Aria's family since a long time ago. Initially, Vivian assigned her here to take care of Jenna. She didn't care about Aria or the punishment. She just rushed over to say hello to Jenna when she saw her.

Jenna understood Aunt Ella's thoughts. She smiled slightly at her and nodded.

"Young Madam, let's go upstairs. Young Master has something to give to you," Aunt Ella said to Jenna with a smile. Some time ago, everyone here welcomed Jenna with the brightest of smiles. But, at present, Aria was pregnant and everything changed. Besides, Jenna would feel uncomfortable in this current situation as Aria’s family would definitely bash her.

Leaving this place and ignoring them was the best plan. Aunt Ella said this deliberately while quickly pulling Jenna upstairs.

"Stop." Aria stood up. She smiled and said very kindly, "Jenna, since you're here, come sit with us. Let's have a chat."

Speaking of this, she pointed to Larry and ordered, "Larry, go and bring Jenna over to let her take a seat."

"I... This..." Due to her arrogance and poor attitude these days, Larry didn't know what to do.

"Why, are you not obeying my commands now?" Aria was furious. She put a hand over her forehead, her face twisted with discomfort as she felt nauseated right then again.

Anyone in their right minds would know that Aria was deliberately messing with Jenna and that was why she channeled her anger at Larry, but no one dared to speak.

"Oh, Aria, don't be angry. It is not good for the child. This is not a big deal." Georgia saw that her daughter was angry and stood up in a panic. Holding Aria steady, she said to Marissa with a dark expression on her face, "Marissa, Aria is carrying Hansen's own flesh and blood, your grandchild. You can't let Aria get angry. Look at that woman, always so self-centered. She doesn't even treat Aria right. Aria didn't mind having her sit with us but look at her bad attitude. She treats us as if we're invisible. Moreover, your servants are absolutely ridiculous. They don't even listen to Aria. This is awful."

Her remark made Marissa put on her signature smile. Thinking about it, there was nothing wrong. After all, Aria was carrying her grandson in her womb. She then immediately scolded Larry, "You are ridiculous. Aren't you an old employee of Richards Manor? It seems to me that you can't even tell what’s our priority at this point. I will not forgive you if something happens to Aria and the child."

Larry was so scared by Marissa's words that she hurriedly walked toward Jenna.

Jenna exhaled. What were they talking about?

Did she really not understand?

Marissa had put it out so clearly.


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