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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 185

The snow barged in along with the harsh winds. Jenna would have been swallowed by the snow if she did not have her coat, keeping her warm.

Standing on the stone bridge, she leaned against a pier made of stone. Under the bridge was the flowing river, its water yet to freeze, its depth unknown.

She stood on the pier, staring blankly at the gushing current of the river.

This was a river at the outskirts, its course traversing the whole of A city. Snowflakes filled the air; there were barely any people here in this weather.

She looked at the river silently. One step forward was all it took. She would leap into the river and any pain she had would no longer exist.

However, she stood, unmoving. She merely faced the river as she stared into space.

Hansen came and saw her standing there, bracing the wind and snow. Her body was leaning forward slightly.

"Jenna." He held his breath and felt nervous.

If she had jumped, he would probably be unable to save her, even if he were willing to trade his life and get as many men he had to the rescue.

This was a river, not a stream. Its unfathomable depth laid below the surface. Anyone who leapt into it would not even think of surviving.

"Stay away from me." Jenna heard footsteps approaching her. She turned around and pointed at him. Her body was shivering and covered in snow, her voice breaking as she screamed. Her frail figure looked like she would fall into the river anytime.

Hansen's chest tightened and he looked at her nervously. "Jenna, would you please listen to me?"

He tried to approach her and articulated his words carefully.

"Get lost. If you come any closer, I will jump immediately and you will never see me again," she gritted her teeth and said harshly.

He halted and did not dare to step forward anymore.

"Jenna, come over here. I have something to say to you." He waved at her with a smile, showing hope and anticipation in his eyes.

She looked at him, her icy stare freezing him to his bones.

"What do you have to say? That Aria is pregnant? Or that you're preparing to get married?" Her voice hung in the air. As if it was a painful curse, Hansen paled upon hearing it. He tried to speak but could not utter a word.

She saw him grow silent and sneered.

"You did everything you could to stop me from going back to Richards Manor, just to hide the truth from me. Did you want to keep me oblivious and continue to play with my feelings?" She clenched her jaw and did not stop asking as the questions pained her. "Is that so?"

"Jenna, it's not what you think it is," Hansen snapped out of it and denied loudly.

"Not what I think it is?" She laughed. "Hansen Richards, do you still want to lie to me? I was stupid to believe you, again and again, believing that you loved me. How was I so dumb? I will never believe you again."

Tears started to roll down her cheeks. "What have I done to you to deserve this? Why do you lie to me and hurt me over and over? Just because you didn't want to marry me? If you wanted to marry Aria, you could've told me sooner. I have no objections, but why did you lie to my face? Do you just sweet talk to every woman and make useless promises on how you wanted to marry them? How could you?"

She cried in full force and felt a sharp pain in her chest. She crouched down on the ground, her tears bitter. She bit her lip tightly as she remembered his sweet, deceiving words. 'Jenna, let's get married again when we return to A city. Help me take care of my father abroad, then well have the wedding once you're back.'

His lies had sounded so real that she truly believed it.

But not long had passed since then and Aria was pregnant!

All of this was ridiculous.

They were going to get married; even Grandma had given Aria permission.

Jenna was the only fool in this game of theirs. She was a fool to believe that he would ever love her wholeheartedly!

What was she doing?

Why was she so stupid?

Hansen stood frozen in the snow. He watched Jenna curl up into a ball on the ground and heard her painful sobs, the cries growing quieter. Eventually, she let out a suppressed cry in the chilling wind.

He was absolutely heartbroken. His hands clenched into fists, cracking with noises.

However, he could not go to her as he feared that she would jump off the bridge.

At the moment, he needed to calm her down and bring her away from the river. He had no time to think about anything other than how to get her to come over.

"Jenna, could you please calm down? I didn't want it to turn out like this either," he was still repeating these words after an hour.

"Leave, I don't want to see you." She was tired from crouching. She sat on the ground and shouted bitterly.

"Don't sit on the ground, you'll catch a cold." Watching her frail figure sitting on the snowy ground as the freezing wind howled, she looked like she could be blown by the icy wind and fall into the river. Hansen was worried sick that it felt like daggers were driven into his heart.

How was he going to make her believe what happened at the Hilton Hotel that day? In the current situation, all that he said would be of no use. She would think that he was lying. Her distrust towards him has reached the peak.


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