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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 196

The fluttering snow stopped falling and the northern winds stopped howling. The hidden sun was almost visible beyond the thin layers of cloud and mist.

Even the air was full of such a warm essence. This was all because of the motivation that the little being in her belly had brought her. Jenna felt that the weather was not as cold anymore.

Quickening her pace, she walked forward.

No matter what, she had seen hope.

There would be mountains after mountains in front of her in the future, and she would be criticized and ridiculed by those haunting stares and rumors. But, all of those will mean nothing. She was the one living her life, she had the choice to ignore those useless accusations thrown at her.

As for Aria, she had absolutely no idea.

They were both women and they were pregnant.

She was reluctant to get rid of the child and insisted on giving birth to him. Aria must have been in the same shoes. Since she had gotten pregnant, Hansen should be responsible. Asking him to marry her was completely justified. Who would have hoped that their child was born without the love and care of its father?

Walking slowly back to Cloud Residence, Jenna looked up and saw a man standing under the tree. He was dressed in a fine black suit and his calculating eyes were shining bright, unable to see through the underneath.

It was Paul!

She stopped in her tracks.

"Hello, Miss Murphy," he greeted her with a faint smile.

She was surprised. What was he doing here?

"Paul, are you looking for me?" she asked in astonishment as she stepped forward with uncertainty.

Paul smiled slightly and nodded. "Yes."

"What's the matter?" An unusual feeling struck her at the moment and she could not help but blurt out the question.

"Miss Murphy, I am here today to suggest that you return to Richards Manor," he spoke with little emotion in his voice.

Richards Manor? Her heart flinched as she heard that.

She had no longer wanted anything to do with Richards Manor, let alone go back there. She felt her heart ache just by hearing the name of the place. However, on the way back from the hospital, her heart had troubles and thoughts tied in a thousand convoluted knots. She pondered for a while before asking calmly, "And the reason is?"

He shrugged with hands in his pockets and flashed a relaxed smile.

"It's very simple. You have an inheritance right in Richards Group. Just by this, you should go back.


He abruptly stopped and took out a cigarette to light it, inhaling it deeply.

"Besides what?" Jenna's heart was beating faster than normal. She asked hurriedly before he could continue to speak.

"Besides, your father's death has something to do with Norton Richards. It's confirmed from the current investigations. As of now, he has been detained by Jordan for further investigation. However, I reckon he will be bailed out of jail in these two days. If so, there will be no way to progress the case. Although there is nothing you can do, I want to remind you not to depend solely on the police. If they are reliable, you wouldn't have found me in the first place. You can still count on Hansen but he's not in a great place currently. If you want to discover and reveal the truth about your father's case, I suggest you go back to Richards Manor first. You will know why I am telling you this in the future. Some things are very complicated and I can't explain them, you'll just have to see for yourself. Miss Murphy, you're a clever person, I think you'll understand what I mean."

This seemed to make a lot of sense and it was exactly what she intended for. Before her belly got any bigger, she had to avenge her father as soon as possible.

Only in this way could she plan the next step.

"Why are you telling me this? Who sent you here?" she asked calmly. Her mind was going through his words carefully.

Paul gave her an amused smile and replied frankly, "No one asked me to come. I'm limited in my capabilities and I couldn't claim the high rewards you have offered me. However, since I have taken over your case, I have the responsibility to inform and remind you. This is my usual practice. Well, I have said everything that needs to be said. You should figure it out by yourself. I'll go on my way."

After he finished, he turned around without looking at Jenna and swiftly disappeared from her field of view.

She was bewildered, standing blankly in the wind for a long time. Only when she felt her body freezing did she slowly walk into the villa.

Reaching her bedroom, she was tired and drowsy. She fell into a deep sleep immediately.

After another day and night of cracking her brain, Jenna had finally decided on her future path.

She refused to be negative and defensive anymore. Her mind was full of the baby. Sometimes she could not stop smiling and sometimes she would talk to her child while stroking her belly. It seemed that ever since she came back from the hospital, her vomiting had also decreased significantly. Both her body and mind were relaxed.

Perhaps, Paul had been right with his words. Her priority was to avenge her father, then she would think about the rest.

By then, she would leave A city with her mother and the child in her belly. She would leave this sad place forever.


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