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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 199

Aria had wrapped her arms tightly around Hansen, not allowing him to shrug her off. He immediately recognized Jenna's voice. He was overjoyed and could have bolted up in an instant but Aria would not let him as she clung to him like deadly vines.

When Jenna opened the door, Aria smirked as she saw her pale and surprised face. This was such a golden opportunity. As long as Jenna gave up, she believed that it would not be long before Hansen came crawling back to her. He was a man with needs after all.

With this scene of them entangled around each other, Jenna would certainly be heartbroken and give up on him.

She deliberately pulled his neck tightly and moved her hands around his waist. She spoke coquettishly, "Hansen, don't get up. Let's do it again, alright?"

Hansen's head was still strikingly painful. Nevertheless, the sight of Jenna coming into the room was real. He saw it clearly with his own eyes. He grew surprised and excited.

She really came back!

The immense surprise had him thinking of nothing else. Still half-drunk, he did not even notice that a woman was pressing onto him. His unusually clear, bright eyes only looked at Jenna.

Disgusting. They were doing it on her bed. Jenna was appalled.

Although Jenna's vomiting has subsided a lot, the sight before her elicited a wave of nausea from her stomach and she wanted to throw up.

The pain in her heart had nowhere to escape, no place to be let out. Her rage boiled in her as if she was about to combust. Her face and neck were red from the blood rushing and she could no longer hold back her anger. The words came straight out of her mouth, trembling.

"Get lost, b*tches," she roared.

She would not care that in front of her were a young master and an elite lady. In her eyes, they were a mere pair of sickening cheaters.

She did not want to see them; she wanted them to get out that instant!

This was her room.

Hansen saw her cold, piercing gaze and he felt a pang in his heart. He finally realized that something was wrong and lowered his head to look at himself. What he saw had scared him awake from his drunkenness.

The situation in front of him was absolutely awful and unbearable to watch. He panicked as if he had a ticking time bomb tied to him and tried to throw the woman off.

Aria would not let him have his way. She was determined to have the scene of them imprinted in Jenna's mind. She gripped him tightly, groaning and moaning that he had made her uncomfortable.

Hansen's heart grew cold in dread.

He could never explain this even if he gave up his life!

He had never been so pathetic.

D*mn it, how could he have drunk so much wine?

He shook off Aria's arms forcefully and shouted angrily, "Get off. Let go now, would you even look at yourself!"

Hastily, he jumped off the bed and got dressed.

"Jenna, you're back. Why didn't you inform me in advance?¹'

Soon, he felt that the question was inappropriate. What was he saying? If she had told him in advance, would she not catch them on the bed 'having an affair'? His face reddened in shame.

The grief and anger in Jenna's eyes were quickly concealed. These days, she has grown stronger. She could endure the absurdity of it all.

It wasn't a big deal!

Aria had become pregnant with this anyway!

She stood there coldly with an expressionless face.

"Jenna, let me explain." Hansen glanced at the messy sheets, panicking to explain himself.

Jenna sneered and turned her face away. "Please leave, this is my room.'¹

What was there to explain?

Jenna had not forgotten that she saw him fully aroused at his groin when she entered. That was nothing unusual to men. They loved it so much that they could not wait to have different women each day. All those nonsense he said about loving her was b*llshit, she was a fool to have believed him.

However, it would be impossible to trick her again in the future.

"Hansen, you were saying that you wanted me so badly just now. Now that she's here, you're scared. This isn't a big deal. Even if she sees it, it doesn't matter. We are about to get married, everyone knows this." Aria languidly put her clothes on. Feeling pleased with Jenna's reaction, she faked a complaint with pouty lips.

She sent a confident and deadly glare toward Jenna, treating her as a lowly mistress who had disturbed their evening and stepped in between their relationship.

Jenna's heart sank and she clenched her fists until her fingernails bit into the flesh.

But, she was not knocked down.

This was her room.

Hansen had disrespected her by fooling around with another woman on her bed. She remained calm as usual, speaking with authority, "This is my room. Please get out of here, otherwise, I will not hold back."

"Your room? You were divorced and you dare to say that this is your room?" Aria sneered.

Jenna put down her bags. A stern gaze flashed across her eyes and she walked towards her. "Are you saying that you want me to kick you out?"

Jenna stood her ground. She picked up the phone in her hand, seemingly ready to make a phone call.

Aria had no idea what she was planning to do. She was a little scared at this point and she remembered that she had never won against Jenna even for once.


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