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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 206

Loneliness encircled Jenna when she lay in bed at night. She woke up several times in the middle of her sleep.

She felt scared being alone.

Not knowing how she would endure such long nights alone in the future, she wondered when would days like this end.

She stroked her belly with her hand.

There was always a faint, bloating pain in her belly. She felt as if it was going to blow up at any second. She looked up information from the internet and found that this was a normal sign during the development of the fetus. Her belly was going to be like a huge, round cannonball.

The more she thought about it, the more afraid she became.

After two days of rest, she was ready to start her plan. In any case, she should not stay in Richards Manor for too long and she must leave before her belly got bigger.

It was said that winter nights were very long. Jenna had nothing to do all day, somehow dozing off into dreamland every now and then. Thus, she woke up quite early in the morning.

She stayed in her bedroom for a whole day the day before. This day, she thought of taking a walk and breathing in the fresh morning air.

When she was about to head downstairs, she swept a glance at the sofa.

The day before, she remembered hearing Hansen say that he would sleep on the sofa at night.

As if to verify it, her eyes subconsciously glanced at the sofa.

It was still early. The living room was terribly quiet and there was no sign of Hansen sleeping on the sofa. There was not even a trace of ruffled blankets or so. It was just empty.

She was so naive to truly believe that he would sleep on the sofa alone!

She seriously needed to snap out of her fantasies!

Jenna quickly looked away from the sofa. She turned and walked toward the garden outside.

In the winter morning, the air was cold and humid.

Having been so used to staying under the warmth of the heater in Richards Manor, it was difficult to get used to the striking chillness outside.

As soon as she walked out of the house, she was attacked by the cold wind. Fortunately, she had put on the sable coat in advance.

Then, she strolled along the gravel path in the garden.

A thin layer of frost covered the withered flowers in the garden, even the evergreen plants were coated by the snow. Their drooping leaves made it seem like they had lost their spirit.

After all, it was mid-winter; all she felt was defeat and utter loneliness.

Jenna sighed softly, nostalgia creeping up in her heart.

There was a snow-white gravel road in front which would lead her directly to the gym.

She stood there, her thoughts far away.

Her legs had carried her here unknowingly.

She remembered that Hansen used to go to the gym at this time in the morning.

But, the road was empty that day. She did not see his tall and strong figure in his branded sweatshirts. Now that she thought of it, he must still be sleeping in bed with Aria!

What man was willing to leave a beautiful lady in his arms and come out to exercise on such a cold day?

There was a wry smile at the corner of Jenna's mouth, her heart shuddering in fear.

She could not believe herself. She had thought of that d*mned b*stard again and came all the way here.

Was she waiting for him, hoping to see him?

What kind of ridiculous thought was this! It was too terrifying!

Thinking of this, she could not help but be dumbfounded.

The d*mned Hansen had occupied such a big part in her heart that all she could think of was him!

She wanted to forget him but she was drowning in her love toward him; there was no escape.

The bitterness in her heart grew deeper and deeper.

Hurriedly, she fled back to her bedroom.

After three consecutive days of the same routine, Jenna just stayed in her room all day. There was no way she could go out as she would vomit from time to time.

She did not want anyone to know about her pregnancy, hence she hid in the room.

In the past three days, she did not see Aria, nor went down to see Marissa. Of course, she did not see Hansen either. It was as if her world had gone completely mute.

The Richards Manor was also quiet.

The world was completely silent.

In order to let herself forget about everything and to relieve the nauseating sensation, she chose to spend these days in front of the computer as usual as she concentrated on car designing.

One day, she was entirely focused on making changes to her car design and she realized that she had been working until late night.

Suddenly, an email notification popped up on the lower right comer of the computer screen.

Taking a closer look, she saw that it was from abroad.

Her heart skipped a beat and she quickly opened the email.

It was sent by Rayan.

The moment she saw his name, she felt like they had not seen each other for centuries.

How much time has passed ever since he left A city?

After careful calculation, Jenna realized that it had been several months.

They never contacted each other since then and she seemed to have forgotten him completely. It was only at this moment when the message popped up did she remember him. He was the man who had treated her the best, more than anyone else.

An apologetic feeling surged up in her heart.

The email was short, with only three lines. It read, "Jenna, how are you? It's been a long time. I'm coming to A city, see you then."

The three sentences were enough to make her gasp.

Rayan was coming back?


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