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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 260

Jenna felt restless all day. As usual, she stayed in Richards Manor in the morning to prepare for the special New Year's banquet and went to the hospital in the afternoon.

Hansen was still very busy. He had not returned to Green Jade Garden for the past two days and Jenna did not call to ask either. Sometimes, she felt that she kept the walls in her heart up firmly, so firm that it was enough to conceal all of her longing towards Hansen and she did not tend to miss him easily.

That afternoon, she came to Trevor's ward as usual.

Trevor's eyes were able to remain open for a much longer time and he was able to move his arms. As soon as he saw Jenna, he would look at her and open his mouth as if he wanted to say something. However, even if he mustered all his strength, he was unable to say a complete sentence.

"Uncle Richards, you don't need to rush it. Soon, you will be able to speak properly." Every time when that happened, Jenna would comfort him tenderly as she helped his limbs with the rehabilitation exercises.

Now that he insisted on doing rehabilitation exercises every day, he was able to lift his hands and feet, and his gaze was much more flexible as well.

Right when she massaged his arm, Jenna's heart began thumping loudly in her chest.

He should be receiving an infusion. However, where did the needle go?

Trevor didn't have a needle injected in his arm.

She bent down and looked for it attentively. Soon, she found that the needle was removed and it was hanging loosely on the stand as its fluid trickled onto the floor. There was some blood on the back of Trevor's hand and it was obvious that the needle was removed not long ago.

She placed a cotton swab on the back of his hand hurriedly as she reached out and rang the emergency bell on the bedside table.

Soon, a nurse rushed over.

"Young Madam, what's the matter?" Marian Wyld, the head nurse, walked in and asked hurriedly.

"Look, Madam Wyld. Why was the needle in Mr. Trevor's hand removed?" Jenna pointed to the needle hanging on the infusion stand as she asked Marian.

"Oh." Marian picked up the needle and took a closer look. She then checked the wound on the back of Trevor's hand. Suddenly, her expression changed as she said oddly, "Really? It's impossible for the needle to be accidentally detached. Before I left, I remember seeing surgical tape sticking to the back of his hand."

Jenna's heart sank instantly.

"Who was here just now?" she frowned slightly as she interrogated Marian.

"Please wait a minute, Young Madam. I'll call for the nurse on duty to come." Marian hurried away.

Jenna slumped abruptly onto the soft chair in front of the bed. Suddenly, a bad feeling began to fill her entire body and she felt chills down her spine.

As she looked up, she saw Trevor working hard to open his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

"Uncle Richards, are you trying to say something?" Jenna leaned closer to him and asked softly.

Trevor tried to raise his arm as his mouth remained ajar. However, he wasn't able to speak coherently at all.

Jenna's gaze darkened instantly.

After a moment, Marian walked in with the nurse on duty behind her.

"Please tell us, Tina. Who came here this morning and who was here just now?" Marian asked the round-faced nurse.

"Let me think." Tina Adams, the nurse who took care of Trevor, tilted her head as she blinked. After thinking for a while, she said, "No one has been here actually. In the morning, Madam Marissa came over for two hours, and then I stayed outside and came in to check from time to time. I haven't seen anyone here anymore and Young Madam came after that."

"Have you ever left the nurse's station then? Or have you seen any suspicious strangers appearing in the corridor?" Jenna felt sorrowful. Her eyes squinted as she asked sternly.

"No, I did not. There is a corner in the corridor here and anyone who came would have to pass through our nurse's station. It is impossible to intrude with nobody noticing." As Tina faced Jenna's aggressive questioning, she got a little scared and she shook her head profusely.

"Fine, but look, Mr. Trevor’ s needle was unplugged for no reason. This is not a trivial matter. Please keep an attentive eye on it in the future. If anyone comes to visit, they must register with their ID card first. A call must be made to get Madam Marissa's and my consent, do you understand?"

Marian said with a solemn expression, "If what happened today was in fact done deliberately, it would be really fortunate if nothing bad happened. However, should any mishap happen, you would not get away with the blame since it happened during your duty period. Fortunately, Young Madam noticed it early and no accidents happened. You may leave now."

After Marian warned Tina, she instructed her to leave first.

"Young Madam, I don't think someone deliberately pulled it out. It was probably the chairman himself who removed it as he felt uncomfortable. Now that he is able to move his arm, this could be possible." Marian picked up the tubing, changed its needle, and gave Trevor an intravenous injection. Soon, the saline was infused into Trevor's blood vessel again.

"Madam Wyld, I would like to ask, what kind of medicine are you infusing to Mr. Trevor now and what are the effects?" Jenna looked at the prescription and enquired.

"Young Madam, these are all medicines for dredging blood vessels and nutritional rehabilitation for patients who suffered from stroke," Marian replied without hesitation.

"Oh." Jenna nodded and continued, "If the patient doesn't use these medicines every day, will it cause any implications?"


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